請問到奈及利亞工作需要注意什麼? - 海外工作

James avatar
By James
at 2014-01-15T22:40

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Recruitment Scams:
We have also recently been informed that certain emails received by members of the public have promised jobseekers positions in the Keydril Nigeria Limited without these individuals applying for the job. These emails promise that upon payment of a huge amount of money the recipients are assured jobs within the Keydril Nigeria Limited.

We dissociate ourselves entirely from any of the emails described above. We believe they are part of an attempt to perpetrate Advance Fee Fraud (popularly known as “419) on unsuspecting members of the public. Neither Keydril Nigeria Limited nor any of its subsidiaries have at any time required or requested the use of bank accounts of individuals or members of the public for the purpose of lodging money owed to Keydril Nigeria Limited or any of its subsidiaries by customers. Advertisements for
positions within the Keydril Nigeria Limited are usually made in the national dailies and reputable websites.

In the event that you receive any of the emails described above, we advise that you do the following:

i. Send a direct email to [email protected] or call the number on the website for verification.

Head, Corporate Communications

Keydril Nigeria Limited

10 Waziri Ibrahim,

Victoria Island,

Lagos, Nigeria.

Tel: +234 (8) -2552856

Email:[email protected]

: 各位先進好~
: 近日得到一個奈及利亞的工作(奈及利亞商),
: 請問在那邊工作需要注意哪些事項?
: 另外因為不知道此公司的真偽,除了上他們公司官網查詢外,
: 有何方法得知此公司的基本資訊?感謝各位先進不吝提供,謝謝

Sent from my iPhone


All Comments


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2014-01-15T00:22
各位先進好~ 近日得到一個奈及利亞的工作(奈及利亞商), 請問在那邊工作需要注意哪些事項? 另外因為不知道此公司的真偽,除了上他們公司官網查詢� ...

死不講公司名稱的head hunter

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-01-14T15:12
想請問大家有沒有遇過這樣的情形 今天在LinkedIn收到一封某head hunter公司recruiter寄來的信 內容大概就是說有一間公司很棒 大概在做wearable technologies �� ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-01-13T16:27
我們是在台成立40年的「中國經濟通訊社」CENS.com,專營平面媒體、線上廣告, 並每年與全球逾150個國際產業展覽有密切的合作關係,請參考我們的公�� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2014-01-12T09:11
兩個報稅問題想請教 我身分應是 non-resident 但誤用 TurboTax 以 1040 報了 2012 年度的稅, 軟體還以 8863 幫我把 11-12 年的學費列舉, 所以我想應是多退了稅 ...

[請益] 美國會計師事務所求職問題

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-01-11T16:45
關於選校及生涯發展方向 想麻煩各位提供一點意見 背景 NCCU商院 男 Taiwan Big4 auditor LV3 USCPA 沒身分 沒有考慮內部轉調 目標 留美有� ...