請問在加州該如何才能看台灣電視台? - 海外工作

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-11-05T06:11

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※ 引述《ellay (倩)》之銘言:
: 請問有沒有人知道在加州該如何看台灣電視台呢?
: 目前cable是使用comcast,但是頻道好多, 看來看去就是沒看到台灣的頻道.
: 是否要其他的cable廠才有嗎?
: 謝謝您!!
我最近看了一篇文章講到衛星電視的運作, 截錄一部分供你參考

Actually, you can technically get (steal) most satilite channels.
How it works is this: Amost all national/international TV channels
(probably not your local access) beam their TV signal up to a satilite,
where is bounced back down to your local cable TV company. The problem
is this, usually, there is only one channel on that signal.
That means that your cable comapany has several dozen satilite dishes,
one for each channel. With a satilite dish pointed in the right direction and
a decoder box from eBay, you got your channel.

Its great, because oftentimes, it is commercial free
(commercials are added locally). That means if you watch CNN,
you get to see the anchor persons bitch to their assistants/smoke/copulate
or whatever they do during commercial breaks. However, you only get the one
channel that your dish is pointed to, to change channels, you need a VERY good
idea where that particular satilite is, a signal meter, a GPS device,
and LOTS of patience.

"Satilite TV" as we often know it (DirectTV, DISH) work by recieving all
these separate satilite channels at their headquarters, re-encoding them,
and bouncing them up to their own satilites. With DirectTV and DISH,
every channel is on the same satilite, so you don't have to move the dish
to get a different channel, just decode a different part of the stream.

如果你買了設備, 就可以自己在家裡看免費的衛星電視
但是一個耳朵(dish) 只能對準一個方向, 所以只能看一台
如果你買了一些相關設備, 可以讓耳朵轉向, 就可以看別台
(我想轉台應該很麻煩, 因為驅動馬達讓耳朵轉向總是要等一會兒)

Cable, DirectTV, DishNetwork 都是有很多個dish在接收不同的衛星頻道
然後再加上廣告跟鎖碼, 然後傳送給收視戶
DirectTV, DishNetwork 所有的頻道都上傳到同一顆衛星
只要你繳錢, 就只需要一個dish, 對準一個方向, 就可以同時看很多頻道
Cable的話就直接cable傳送, 當然品質比較差


其實如果只想看幾台, 應該可以自己買個設備來看那些衛星頻道就好了


如果你沒付費看DishNetwork, 會常在螢幕上看到xxx免費贈送只要打電話索取
只有偷看的才看的到, 所以是個誘餌, 打電話過去就準備吃官司了


All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-11-08T19:18
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-11-11T09:36
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2008-11-13T08:26
比不上在各家promotional rate游走來得省..尤其是如果家裡有
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-11-16T23:16
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-11-18T16:34
Dish Network破解的已經有一段時間了,但是為了防堵破解,
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-11-21T07:47
Dish Network 常常會更換code. 每次換code,破解的主機就要等新
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-11-21T19:46
的破解出來,下載安裝後才看的到. 之前有朋友使用,啥成人頻道或
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-11-22T07:07
pay per view都隨便你看,但是後來漸漸換code的頻率越來越高,
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-11-22T20:17
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-11-27T04:57
突然想到,這裡好像是海外工作板,不是北美板. XD


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-11-05T04:02
請問有沒有人知道在加州該如何看台灣電視台呢? 目前cable是使用comcast,但是頻道好多, 看來看去就是沒看到台灣的頻道. 是否要其他的cable廠才有嗎? 謝�� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-11-04T03:59
其實說好聽是顧問啦 實際內容大概是根據自己家的產品的特性 給予買主一些對於對方公司現有系統整合建議 以上是一份令我想換工作的職缺說明 不�� ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-11-02T12:10
我最近察看uscis的online status 發現他們要我另外寄文件過去 我才熊熊想到申請之初我沒有把把第一間研究所的i-20給附上 (因為我轉學過) 我問過學校顧 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2008-10-30T05:36
如題~ 我寫信去問過ACCOUNTING BOARD但他們都沒回答 我想請教一下填寫申請執照的表格的問題 例如 1. Date of exam passed是用哪一天呢?是我考第四科的時間嗎? 2 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-10-30T00:12
請問在紐約找工作有哪些管道 有人有世界日報的網址嗎? yahoo monster or anything else? --