請問這句信用狀條款說的出貨明細是什麼 - 國貿工作討論

By Yuri
at 2009-04-24T19:37
at 2009-04-24T19:37
Table of Contents
Without 5 working days of shipment,the beneficiary must send
mail/telex/courier /fax/swift massage to the credit issuing bank and the
applicant mentioning details of shipment copy of such message along with
courier receipt if any to accompany each set of documents please quote
fax:880-31-XXXXXX&swift NCCLBDDHXKTB for communicate with us.
想請教一下 這句信用狀條款所指的details of shipment是否是SHIPPING ADVICE
我翻了國際貿易實務的書 看來看去 覺得比較像SHIPPING ADVICE
想要確定一下所謂的details of shipment是否是SHIPPING ADVICE
如果不是的話 是不是只要額外另外打一張出貨明細
拜託 請各位幫個忙 謝謝
mail/telex/courier /fax/swift massage to the credit issuing bank and the
applicant mentioning details of shipment copy of such message along with
courier receipt if any to accompany each set of documents please quote
fax:880-31-XXXXXX&swift NCCLBDDHXKTB for communicate with us.
想請教一下 這句信用狀條款所指的details of shipment是否是SHIPPING ADVICE
我翻了國際貿易實務的書 看來看去 覺得比較像SHIPPING ADVICE
想要確定一下所謂的details of shipment是否是SHIPPING ADVICE
如果不是的話 是不是只要額外另外打一張出貨明細
拜託 請各位幫個忙 謝謝
All Comments

By Hedy
at 2009-04-28T03:44
at 2009-04-28T03:44

By Eartha
at 2009-05-01T11:50
at 2009-05-01T11:50

By Ursula
at 2009-05-04T19:57
at 2009-05-04T19:57

By Zenobia
at 2009-05-08T04:03
at 2009-05-08T04:03

By Agatha
at 2009-05-11T12:10
at 2009-05-11T12:10
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