請教報稅問題 謝謝! - 海外工作

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-04-13T09:22

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※ 引述《kekul (Yes Man)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《francislin (大頭)》之銘言:
: turbo tax 在 Physical Presence Test 也有提到
: 就像 cchris 講的,你可以延期撐到 330 天
: 這樣就可以使用海外免稅額。
: 希望對你有幫助。
Taxpayers who are out of the country. If, on the regular due date
of your return, you are out of the country and a U.S. citizen or
resident, you are allowed 2 extra months to file your return and pay
any amount due without requesting an extension. Interest will still
be charged, however, on payments made after the regular due date,
without regard to the extension. For a calendar year return, this is
June 15, 2016. File this form and be sure to check the box on line 8
if you need an additional 4 months to file your return.

看起來住在國外的人自動可以報稅延期兩個月, 到June 15
若是要延期到Oct 18, 可以填寫4868表格寄回IRS即可
我的解讀正確嗎? 謝謝


All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-04-15T11:51
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-04-19T23:02
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2016-04-21T03:42
呼~ 忽然沒那麼有壓力了 謝謝!!
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-04-24T19:59
我有看過這資訊 但沒很確定 拖到剛剛才仔細看4868

Over 236,000 H-1B petitions for 2017

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-04-13T07:58
http://tinyurl.com/zozp6yy USCIS received over 236,000 H-1B petitions during the filing period, which began April 1, including petitions filed for the advanced degree exemption. 2014 172,500 2015 2 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2016-04-11T00:04
如果違反本版方向,我很抱歉 但幾經思量,覺得版眾應該比較多人能提供我一些建議, 故在本版發文 小妹去年大學畢業(東吳,人文學院雙主修) �� ...


David avatar
By David
at 2016-04-10T17:05
各位大大晚上好, 首先還是要感謝海外工作板的各位對mit.Jobs的指點和支持。 一年以來,還算經營地不錯, 也能夠開拓更多專業的工作機會。 5月份�� ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2016-04-10T02:00
各位好, 我與丈夫目前在比利時大學工作, 我們在比利時的居留證6/30到期,但是我們還想在這邊大約一個月收拾, 我知道現在申根不能直接延長變成 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2016-04-08T14:35
幫朋友詢問報稅的問題,請幫忙解答 FICA: 1、2014/10/1由F1/OPT轉為H-1b,申請2014 FICA退稅應附上當時的 資料(F-1簽證、I-20、I-94、舊護照)嗎? 2、 ...