請教考駕照問題 - 大陸工作

By Queena
at 2009-06-01T00:53
at 2009-06-01T00:53
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※ 引述《kiddenson (kidden)》之銘言:
: 各位蘇州的前輩好,我聽代辦的旅行社說蘇州的駕照包含報名體檢考試
: 人民幣1200可以當天辦到好
: 因為我沒有這的工作証,也沒有薪資証明,也沒有在這繳稅
: (我在昆山上班,但是公司是在佛山。)
: 想請教各位是否辦這種的最快最省錢,還是有什麼好建議,非常感謝
I am sorry that I can't type Chinese. I passed the exam
at Suzhou last September and it only costed me 80 RMB.Just
bring your ID issued by China(Taibaozheng), your Taiwanese
driver license (I don't remember if I ever brought the working
permission, but it seems that stuff never worked in the whole
process). I would suggest that you take a trip to Suzhou
Guanshan exam center to try your luck. The rule always changes
: 各位蘇州的前輩好,我聽代辦的旅行社說蘇州的駕照包含報名體檢考試
: 人民幣1200可以當天辦到好
: 因為我沒有這的工作証,也沒有薪資証明,也沒有在這繳稅
: (我在昆山上班,但是公司是在佛山。)
: 想請教各位是否辦這種的最快最省錢,還是有什麼好建議,非常感謝
I am sorry that I can't type Chinese. I passed the exam
at Suzhou last September and it only costed me 80 RMB.Just
bring your ID issued by China(Taibaozheng), your Taiwanese
driver license (I don't remember if I ever brought the working
permission, but it seems that stuff never worked in the whole
process). I would suggest that you take a trip to Suzhou
Guanshan exam center to try your luck. The rule always changes
All Comments

By Lucy
at 2009-06-05T00:10
at 2009-06-05T00:10
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