買屋的好消息 - 海外工作

By Isla
at 2009-02-17T13:42
at 2009-02-17T13:42
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Whistler (Cage)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《chimney (chimney)》之銘言:
: : 昨天應該定案成為8000元了
: : 有誤還請幫忙植正
: 最終版本是只有首次購屋者有..
: The $8000 tax credit is available only to first-time home buyers
: : 另外我想請問一個買屋的問題
: : 和某個lender申請pre approval letter,就等於是確定日後要和這個lender貸款了嗎?
: : 有反悔的餘地嗎?
: : 另外,可以同時向兩個lender 申請pre approval letter嗎?
: : 謝謝提供資訊
Could the new legislation affect 2008 tax returns? Generally, no.
The new legislation does not have any major impact for the vast
majority of individuals preparing their 2008 tax returns due April 15.
Instead, these changes will largely impact 2009 tax returns filed next year,
in 2010. Taxpayers should continue to prepare their 2008 tax returns as
they normally would.
There are a few limited areas in the legislation that could impact 2008
tax returns. For example, for some small businesses, changes in the net
operating loss provisions could affect 2008 tax returns. More details on
this and other changes — such as the first-time homebuyer’s credit —
will be available soon.
可不可以在2008報稅時就先拿$8,000 看來國稅局也還在傷腦筋
: ※ 引述《chimney (chimney)》之銘言:
: : 昨天應該定案成為8000元了
: : 有誤還請幫忙植正
: 最終版本是只有首次購屋者有..
: The $8000 tax credit is available only to first-time home buyers
: : 另外我想請問一個買屋的問題
: : 和某個lender申請pre approval letter,就等於是確定日後要和這個lender貸款了嗎?
: : 有反悔的餘地嗎?
: : 另外,可以同時向兩個lender 申請pre approval letter嗎?
: : 謝謝提供資訊
Could the new legislation affect 2008 tax returns? Generally, no.
The new legislation does not have any major impact for the vast
majority of individuals preparing their 2008 tax returns due April 15.
Instead, these changes will largely impact 2009 tax returns filed next year,
in 2010. Taxpayers should continue to prepare their 2008 tax returns as
they normally would.
There are a few limited areas in the legislation that could impact 2008
tax returns. For example, for some small businesses, changes in the net
operating loss provisions could affect 2008 tax returns. More details on
this and other changes — such as the first-time homebuyer’s credit —
will be available soon.
可不可以在2008報稅時就先拿$8,000 看來國稅局也還在傷腦筋
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