香港 Taiwan Associate Linguists - 海外工作

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-05-15T17:03

Table of Contents

[Job Title]
Taiwan Associate Linguists

[Linguistic Field(s)]
Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, Lexicography, NLP

Google Hong Kong

[Job Description]
The role of the Analytic Linguistic Project Manager is to consult with Natural Language Understanding Researchers on creating guidelines and setting standards for a variety of NLP projects, as well as to manage the work of a team of junior linguists to achieve high quality data output.

This includes:
Training, managing and overseeing the work of a team of junior linguists
Creating guidelines for semantic, syntactic and morphological projects
Evaluating and analyzing data quality
Consulting with researchers and engineers on the development of linguistic databases

[Job Requirements]
Native-level speaker of Taiwanese and fluent in English
Master's degree or higher in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics or related disciplines or Computer Science or Information Engineering with knowledge about natural language processing
Ability to quickly grasp technical concepts; should have an interest in natural language processing
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Good organizational skills
Previous project management and people management experience preferred
Some programming language or previous experience working in a Linux environment a plus

For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with " Taiwan Associate Linguists " in the subject line.

Application deadline: ASAP, open until filled

Email address for applications:

Sent from my Windows


All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-05-19T02:24


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2018-05-08T14:47
想赴日工作、實際進入日本職場及體驗日本生活, 或是一圓海外壯遊美夢,但沒有頭緒、沒有簽證不敢衝? 想進日商累積經驗盡早變成獨當一面的「一 ...

影響外派人員的因素考量 贈獎

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-05-08T10:26
已徵求板主同意 本問卷僅限用於學術 各位版友好 小弟目前是名研究生因為論文需要 請求版友協助 論文內容大概是為了了解外派人員至東 南亞國家進� ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2018-04-30T10:18
海外工作版的朋友大家好~ 我的朋友之前在營養品公司做銷售人員並有藥局多年採購及行銷經驗, 累積工作年資合計10年左右:) 並且有舉辦大型活動 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2018-04-28T20:17
本公司在南美徵財會相關主管 以下條件絕對沒得談,我也不是徵人,只想知道有人能接受嗎 地點:拉美的中大型城市,人口約200萬,治安我不敢說好, ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-04-22T15:13
網誌好讀版 這是我姪女的親身經歷 如果妳(你)是即將外派到越南工作的新鮮人 或是打算前往越南還在考慮的人 ...