0.7/字_潤稿_復健醫學論文_2989字_1022 - 潤稿

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-10-18T13:20

Table of Contents

[必]工 作 量:2989 字
[必]截 稿 日:10/22

1. 希望有相關背景的朋友來幫忙
2. 希望能在下禮拜二完稿,不能拖稿
3. 希望是native speaker或是有英文教學等相關經驗(若能提供TOFEL或IELTS分數也可)

[選]試 譯 文:
After a period of rehabilitation, therapists have to assess patient's status from diverse views such as mental, activities of daily living, motor function, or speech function. For arm movement, the assessment divides into 3 levels: function, activities of daily living (ADL), and participation level. In function level assessment, therapists evaluate the status of motor function, motor strength, and motor spasticity. Fugl-Meyer Test of Arm Function Upper Extremity (FMUE) was developed from the original
stages of motor recovery described by Brunnstrom and it is examined for the presence of synergistic and isolated movement patterns and grasp [41]. The Motor Status Scale (MSS) [42] provided a more complete and discrete measure of upper-limb isolated movement and motor function than is possible with the FMUE, by grading motor abilities on a well-defined 6-point scale. The MSS has been divided into 2 scales: one for shoulder and elbow movements and the second for wrist and finger movements. Motor
Assessment Scale (MAS-Upper Limb Items) [43] is another commonly used tool for measuring motor function recovery. The MAS-Upper Limb Items can subscale into 3 categories: Upper Arm Function, Hand Movements, and Advanced Hand Activities. Each subscale's score ranges from 0 to 6, with a total score of 18 for MAS. The Medical Research Council (MRC) [44] test of motor power measures strength in isolated muscle groups of the involved shoulder and elbow on an scale, ranging from 0 (no muscle contraction) to 5
(normal strength). The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) [45] measured muscle spasticity by rating the resistance to passive stretch in 14 different muscle groups of the upper limb.



Tags: 潤稿

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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-10-18T20:21
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2012-10-22T02:05

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By Iris
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之前有請RiverDr協助修改我的SOP,editor的修改效率很高 也很願意開放讓原著作提供自己的想法與意見, 在充足溝通下所修改的SOP是與期望中想表達的意思� ...


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