95北市 Q78. 語言 - 幼教

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-05-29T08:00

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※ 引述《DioGirl (相信自己)》之銘言:
: 78.下列有關幼兒語言發展的敘述,何者正確?
: (A) 快速製圖過程易造成幼兒語意延伸不足


In cognitive psychology, fast mapping is a hypothesized mental process
whereby a new concept can be learned (or a new hypothesis formed) based only
on a single exposure to a given unit of information. Fast mapping is thought
by some researchers to be particularly important during language acquisition
in young children, and may serve (at least in part) to explain the prodigious
rate at which children gain vocabulary. The process was first formally
articulated, and the term 'fast mapping' coined, by Harvard researchers Susan
Carey and Elsa Bartlett in 1978.[1]

在認知心理學中,Fast Mapping是一個假設的心智歷程,意指透過僅僅一次的經歷就足以
形成新概念(或是新假設)。Fast Mapping被一些研究者認為在年幼兒童學習語言的過程
Susan Carey和Elsa Bartlett 在1978年先發表了這個歷程,隨後創造了Fast Mapping

Today, there is ample evidence to suggest that children do not learn words
through ‘fast mapping’ but rather learn probabilistic, predictive
relationships between objects and sounds that develop over time. Evidence for
this comes, for example, from children’s struggles to understand color
words: although infants can distinguish between basic color categories,[2]
many sighted children use color words in the same way that blind children do
up until the fourth year.[3] Typically, words such as “blue” and “yellow”
appear in their vocabularies and they produce them in appropriate places in
speech, but their application of individual color terms is haphazard and
interchangeable. If shown a blue cup and asked its color, typical three-year
olds seem as likely to answer “red” as “blue.” These difficulties persist
up until around age four, even after hundreds of explicit training trials.[4]
Children’s behavior clearly indicates that they have knowledge of these
words, but this knowledge is far from complete; rather it appears to be
predictive, as opposed to all-or-none.

今日,許多證據顯示兒童並未使用Fast Mapping的歷程,而是學習物體和語音之間可能

分開的只是月亮 心還是一樣

Tags: 幼教

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-06-02T03:27
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-06-06T13:56

辦公室團購 幼稚園都團購些什麼呢

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-05-29T01:30
大家好 本人正在進行一份有關「辦公室團購」的學術研究 想請有空閒的人幫忙填個問卷 問卷受訪者為「有辦公室團購經驗的人」人 ↑意指在職場上曾經和同事團購的人 請有經驗又有閒相打發點時間的人來幫忙填問卷 (不過可能殺不了太多時間) 因為問卷很多大概五分鐘內可結束 不過很希望大 ...

95北市 Q78. 語言

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-05-27T00:42
78.下列有關幼兒語言發展的敘述,何者正確? (A) 快速製圖過程易造成幼兒語意延伸不足 (B) 媽媽話有助於幼兒期閱讀能力的發展 (C) 幼兒可略過電報式語言階段學習雙語 (D) 幼兒語言發展主要受左邊大腦成熟影響 答案a 請問d錯在哪裡? 左腦是知性腦的阿. -- - ...

考期近了 大家加油!

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-05-26T17:55
已經有朋友跟我說最近開始有焦躁的傾向XD 我只能說 考期越近 可能情況會越來越嚴重 但 要想辦法面對它! 睡不著 就起來看看書吧 看到眼皮要黏住再去睡 會睡得很香甜:) 白天累了就休息一下吧 雖說規定一天要唸幾小時是個好方法 但是也要量力而為 (當然體力許可就一定要達到目標才能去睡覺!!要有鐵 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-05-25T23:32
想請問大家是否有看到屏東招考的消息呢? 因為有聽說要報名…但我找不到網頁耶! 還是我被我同學晃點了阿… 所以不知大家有沒有屏東要招考的小道消息 還是報名已經過了阿??? 先謝謝大家囉 - ...

95新竹 Q88. 評量

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-05-25T01:28
( )88.下列何者不是發展性評量的原則: (A) 兒童成長時是遵照可預測的順序及模式 (B)較低技能的發展是較高技能發展的基礎 (C)較高技能通常會在較低技能消失前出現 (D)兒童成長與發展無所謂關鍵性時刻 (E)障礙兒童可能會跳過發展的部份階段 答案C 請問D對嗎?還是應該把「無所謂關鍵 ...