ATGENOMIX INC. 招募 SeqsLab 軟體工程師 - 工程師

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2021-04-06T18:53

Table of Contents



14F, No. 58, Sec. 3, Minquan E. Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei
City, 104

A cloud-based Bio-IT production platform that scales
genomics-centric in-vitro diagnosis workflows to deliver on the
promise of precision medicine for everyone.

ATGENOMIX is changing the $23B of genome sequencing informatics
and data analysis market by unifying high-performance parallel
computing, open source bioinformatics, and multi-omic data hub
into an enterprise and truly scalable Bio-IT computing platform,
built on Microsoft Azure secure enterprise cloud.

ATGENOMIX, alumni of Microsoft Accelerator Taipei, is now
Microsoft gold-certified IP Co-sell partner on enterprise cloud
genomics, and is a strategic partner of Yourgene Health, an
international molecular diagnostics group headquartered in United
Kingdom, providing unified high-quality genome sequencing and
high-performance computing solution for advanced genomics science.

ATGENOMIX is awarded the 2020 top 10 coolest startups by Taiwan
Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Software Engineer, SeqsLab Cloud Platform 年薪 1m - 1.5m 台幣

[工作內容 / 應徵條件]
< Job description >
Atgenomix aspires to be a company that derives value-based
healthcare outcomes for people that our technologies serve. We
believe that a talented team of diversified experiences,
innovative and trustworthy culture, and dare-to-dream spirit
creates the best products and services.

Atgenomix software engineering team develops the next-generation
computing technologies that change how healthcare systems provide
patient-centric and value-based personalized medicine. Our
products and services need to handle massive scale of genomic
information, and extend well beyond bioinformatics.

Atgenomix is looking for software engineers who are passionate to
create innovative technologies in parallel computing, cloud-scale
system design, data hub architecture, machine learning,
bioinformatics analytics, large database search, user-centric
interface design and more.

< Minimum qualification >
1. BS degree in Computer Science, or equivalent technical degree
and practical experience.

2. Software development experience in Python, Scala, or other
general purpose programming languages.

3. Experience working with two or more from the following: cloud
application development, Linux system, distributed and parallel
systems, machine learning, big data computing, cloud-scale
software systems, and/or web application development.

4. Working proficiency and communication skills in verbal and
written English.

< Preferred qualification >

1. Master’s, PhD degree, further education or experience in
engineering, computer science or other technical related field.

2. Experience with Python, Java, or Scala programming languages in
Apache Spark/Hadoop application development.

3. Experience developing bioinformatics, and / or deep learning

4. Interest and ability to learn parallel computing and machine
learning technologies as needed.





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By Sarah
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