Brelyon 招募 GSM / SQE - 面試

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2021-09-28T16:26

Table of Contents

[Company Name]

[Company Website]

[Company Introduction]
BREYLON is an early-stage startup introducing the first-ever, headset-free
virtual displays to replace multi-monitors in high bandwidth applications
like gaming and trading. The technology uses novel physics along with
computational display techniques to create depth and panorama, emulating an
IMAX like experience in a 32” monitor formfactor. Our goal is to amplify
the human computer experience by designing around light and the visual
experience of displays. We are currently growing our production capacity and
have early versions of our products in the field around the world.

[Job Description]
You will use your communication skills in managing and supervising the
manufacturing process as well as quality control and supply chain
You will need to use and develop your communication skills to align suppliers
and lead internal small-scale production. You will be working with both optics
and mechanics engineers, as well as suppliers. The position allows for
significant leadership and timeline management skills, but it also requires
notable negotiation skills, communications skills, management skills and some
hands on work and technical depth on displays, optics, and manufacturing.

[Job Responsibility]
‧ Actively engage and influence new supplier exploration, collaborate
with cross functional partners to provide a clear strategy.
‧ Own technical transfer into suppliers and elevating supplier's
technology capabilities.
‧ Own quality control management and have depth to understand or improve
quality control processes.
‧ Develop and drive technology partner ensuring suppliers are capable of
meeting Brelyon's current and future technical and business requirements.
‧ Ownership of sourcing and strategies, leading partner selection and
business negotiations.
‧ Work with internal team to drive supplier selection process and component
qualification both under strict engineering and commercial disciplines.
‧ Actively solving technical challenges along with cross-functional partners.
‧ Drive Early Supplier Involvement initiatives to ensure our suppliers are
proactively providing input into new product designs.
‧ Ability to be creative on drafting development deals to kick start new
relationships, and also to preserve a long-term view to establish
best-in-class pricing, flexibility, quality, delivery, payment, warranty,
and service terms
‧ Formulate contingency plans to reduce risk challenges, long lead time,
single source, and any supply risks
‧ Drive supplier and site readiness activities for NTI and NPI programs
leading to successful product launch with the ability to deliver to the
required volumes at launch.
‧ Work with manufacturing partners to guide production team and plan out

8+ years.

‧ 5+ years of experience in supply chain development, sourcing management,
and high-volume manufacturing background in consumer products.
(Optics/display related background is preferred.)
‧ Knowledge and experience in consumer components supply chain and cost
‧ Experience and knowledge in Optics, Display, Thin Films, Mechanical and
PCB board technology from concept to execution.
‧ Experience in process definition, having taken a module or system from
concept stage into mass production.
‧ Experience in market analysis to dissect market size, players, customers,
growth, technology replacements/forecasts, pricing trends, etc., to formulate
sourcing strategies.
‧ Experience in supplier evaluation/selection, should cost models, contract
negotiation and supply base management.
‧ Experience building relationships with engineering, product management,
and other cross-functional partners and drive discussions around optimization
of technical specifications and features vs. value trade-offs.
‧ Data-driven problem-solving skills to address multi-dimensional problems
with high levels of uncertainty across multiple functional teams
‧ Strong oral and written communication skills, English and Mandarin.
‧ Ability to work independently and meet tight deadlines.
‧ Fast learner, driven problem solver, self-motivated, organized, flexible,
and able to balance and prioritize multiple diverse projects.

[Nice to Have]
‧ Experience delivering best in class total cost of ownership (TCO),
continuity of supply (COS), and business relationship management
‧ Familiar with 3D software such as Soildworks or Pro/E to review files and
address evident errors.
‧ Experience in startup environment
‧ Experience in Logistics, planning and Fulfillment modeling
‧ Korean language proficiency


1.8+ M TWD/ year + stock options + bonus

[Contact information]
Contact throught email - [email protected]

上面的職位其實是 SQE+GSM混合體
但事實上如果你只做 SQE 或是 只做 GSM 也是會進行面試
薪水部分 可以往上談 如果你能力符合越多 空間越大
但倘若錄取後發現跟面試說的不同 砍人也是不會手軟
職位名稱也可以討論 但這位子會需要不定時跟美國溝通
講坦白話 事情蠻多蠻忙 所以如果你有任何需求 都可以提出來


All Comments

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2021-09-30T20:46
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-09-29T03:57


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-09-28T15:08
請問各位通常錄取是由HR通知還是由用人主管通知,上禮拜面完皮卡第三次HR說一到兩週 會通知。 但沒說是由主管還是HR通知,雖然主管二面有說錄取跑流程大概一到兩週沒那麼快,但通 常一個禮拜沒通知是不是就涼了? 不解的是如果覺得不適合為什麼不一面或二面就謝謝在聯絡,還要有第三次面試呀? - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2021-09-28T12:50
※ 引述《zrct5566 (美麗又殘酷的世界)》之銘言: : 我是中秋節連假前禮拜五面試gg : 然後等到今天還沒有通知 : 請問多久才算拿到無聲卡? : 是不是該投別間看看了呢 : 爬了一下文章有看到等了三個月才有通知的 : 真的太久了… : 但又有看到直接打電話過去問就是直接88了 : 大家都會等多久呢 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2021-09-28T11:46
在網際網路泡沫崩潰14年之後的今天,在矽谷當中存在著對老員工顯而易見的偏見,注意 了,這裡所指的「老員工」是指所有年齡大於30歲的人,他們受到了矽谷年輕人們的無情 嘲諷。在別的地方年屆50或許新的職業生涯才剛剛開始,但是對於科技行業來說,唯一可 以確定的事情就是人到中年職業生命就該終止了,趕緊收拾鋪蓋走人吧。 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2021-09-28T11:44
各位年薪三百的大大好 小妹我學士剛畢業,有幸得到MTK的數位IC設計助工的面試邀約,有提及要上傳一些資料 以及可以準備簡報 爬文過聯發科的面試心得,但幾乎都是工程師的面試心得,想請問是否有人可以提供助工 的面試經驗與流程以及準備的方向等等 剛畢業沒有什麼面試經驗所以很緊張,謝謝各位的幫助 - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2021-09-28T10:45
*不刪除文章聲明 大家好,我是今年畢業的 中字輩機械碩士 新鮮人 近期有幸拿到offer,正在思量畢業後的第一份工作及未來發展性 打算第一份工作至少待滿一年 希望前輩們能夠給予一些指教建議,謝謝! N為GG新人碩士 1.GG 職稱:CVD設備工程師 地點:新竹 工時:12up(?),需 ...