Cisco誠徵Network Consulting Engineer - 履歷

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2020-09-25T23:30

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代PO, 勿站內信!!


履歷請寄:[email protected] / [email protected]
薪資: 年薪台幣 920K ~ 1200K

As a Network Consulting Engineer who specializes in Cisco Networking and
DC/Cloud solutions, you will support the customer through the development
of complex designs, implementation support of Cisco leading edge
technologies, and delivery of optimization services to some of Cisco's
largest customers in Taiwan.

Core Responsibilities include:
* Assists customer with deployment of complex network tools and related
* Supports delivery of the services program to major accounts.
* Provides remote or onsite deployment and operation support.
* Performs analysis and diagnosis of highly complex networking problems.
* Builds simulated networks in test labs to resolve highly complex problems
and compatibility issues
* Executes all phases of project delivery including network staging,
implementation and Operations
* Reviews Implementation Plans.

Expected Education Qualification:
* Recent graduate or on your final year of studies toward a master's degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or a
related major such as Math, Physics
* Solid understanding of networking fundamentals with an aptitude for
learning new technologies
* Experience in establishing and sustaining excellent relationships with the
extended team
* Good English of reading/writing/listening and speaking.
* Good communications skills
* Programming skills python, Java, others.

Technical knowledge you need:
* Understanding of Networks, Data Center Technologies and virtualization
* Knowledge of data center plan/design/implementation
* Fundamental on L1, L2 and L3 network
* Knowledge on Vxlan, DCI & ACI technologies is a plus
* Knowing technology in WAN routing, security
* Experience and technology in routing & Switching, CCNA is preferred.
* Experience as in Cisco Core technologies/products is a plus

Tags: 履歷

All Comments


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-09-25T20:52
以下為代PO 不知道是否進外商的門檻就是學歷,即便在系統廠6年多的經驗也無法彌補學歷的落差嗎 ? 先說說我的學歷吧,私立前段學校商管學士畢 沒有考過托福雅思,但多益850分 工作經驗則是6.5年的PM,畢業後我就一直住海裡 今年五月時,收到公司A客戶人資打來的電話,找的是SCM人才,我們聊了將近20分鐘 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2020-09-25T09:55
職缺名稱:社區總幹事 職缺位置:新北市永和區 職缺性質:正職 工時休假:每日9小時/週休2日。 職缺細節:社區總幹事不拘男女 1. 完成社區節慶活動 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2020-09-23T23:35
※ 引述《blot (披著魚皮的貓~~)》之銘言: : 我是用人主管,先前面試一位應徵者也想錄取,也幫HR主管處理好寫履歷和人格測驗,結 : 果我表示要錄取�� ...

海外職涯Podcast - 30+plus職行力

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2020-09-23T01:18
哈囉~大家好! 最近我跟我的夥伴創了一個新的Podcast: 30+ 職行力!主要探探討海外職涯職場跟海外 求職,第一到第四集我們分享了我們的求職經驗,� ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2020-09-21T23:38
我是用人主管,先前面試一位應徵者也想錄取,也幫HR主管處理好寫履歷和人格測驗,結 果我表示要錄取時,HR主管卻表示她要再另外安排面試,當下我 ...