Form 8843 - 海外工作

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-04-07T16:55

Table of Contents

想請教大家 Form 8843 的填寫方法


問題一: 我只需要填寫 PartI就好, 還是 PartI 跟 Part III (Students)都要填寫?

問題二: 既然我是在OPT, 那 Part III 的 line10 我該如何填選?

line10 : Enter the name, address, and telephone number of the
director of the academic or other specialized program
you participated in during 2011

同時在2011年我有申請綠卡, 那 line14 需要解是怎樣的內容?

line13 : During 2011, did you apply for, or take other affirmative
steps to apply for,lawful permanent resident statusin the
United States or have an application pending to change
your status to that of a lawful permanent resident of the
United States?

line14 : If you checked the “Yes” box on line 13, explain





All Comments


George avatar
By George
at 2012-04-07T05:31
我去年畢業還在用OPT工作 用turbo tax報聯邦稅結果他報成1040A 也沒有報8843 錢已經退下來而且多退了 我爬文要用1040x改 請問... 我是自己弄好1040NR-EZ跟 ...

補繳 FICA稅的問題

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-04-04T21:19
我想請問的問題比較罕見,就是補繳 FICA稅。 我是去年六月中轉成H1B簽證,但是我到今年報稅前才發現公司並未幫我扣繳FICA TAX。 後來我聯繫公司薪資�� ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-04-04T15:52
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Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-04-04T05:56
請問一下, 我的配偶無工作無收入,無W2 報稅說明上寫說 If you are married and file a joint return, you must figure the amount of excess SDI (or VPDI) separtely for each spouse. 然 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-04-03T23:44
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