H1-B申請所需要的資料 - offer

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-02-29T15:21

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把律師要的資料跟大家分享一下~拿到 offer 後 H1 這關也是很重要的

以下是申請需要之文件:(直接轉貼律師的信) 白人應該不會來ptt吧~呵

A copy of your passport
A copy of Your I-94
the original of your I-20, all of them
copy of your work permit
copy of your bachelors and masters diplomas and transcripts
if you are married and or have children I need their passport,
marriage and birth certificates and I-94 forms as well

我簽一張 G28, 我老婆也簽一張 G28 & I-539(H4), baby是老美...

Tags: offer

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-03-02T01:11
碩士怎麼可能要抽籤 單心太多了 :)
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-03-06T21:46
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-03-08T00:32
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-03-08T22:38
thanks for sharing~~I have the same worry><
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-03-09T19:19
大學的畢業證書也要嗎?我放在台灣耶 怎辦...
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-03-10T15:54

Manufacturing Engineer/Manager

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-02-19T02:46
The company. Electric Motion Systems is electric propulsion system manufacturing company with headquarters in Dulles, Virginia, USA. We are a multinational company. Our products are designed in the U ...

CPT & Benefits

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-02-16T15:20
※ 引述《Pelsia (住在塔裡北極熊)》之銘言: : 謝謝duer大大熱心回覆 : 但仍有個疑問盼解答 : ※ 引述《duer ()》之銘言: : : 找intern--andgt;拿到Offer Letter--a ...

CPT & Benefits

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-02-15T23:14
※ 引述《Pelsia (住在塔裡北極熊)》之銘言: : 謝謝duer大大熱心回覆 : 但仍有個疑問盼解答 : ※ 引述《duer ()》之銘言: : : 找intern--andgt;拿到Offer Letter--a ...

CPT & Benefits

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-02-15T21:12
※ 引述《Pelsia (住在塔裡北極熊)》之銘言: : 謝謝duer大大熱心回覆 : 但仍有個疑問盼解答 : ※ 引述《duer ()》之銘言: : : 找intern--andgt;拿到Offer Letter--a ...

請問 Offer Letter 應該要包含什麼內容?

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-02-15T02:27
※ 引述《violinal (掛居保)》之銘言: : 由於事情還沒有底定 因此暫不討論面談的過程. 日後一定補上分享. : 公司這兩天就會決定是不是要給我Offer : 我 ...