HiRecruit Job Fair - 海外工作

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-08-24T04:42

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※ [本文轉錄自 SanFrancisco 看板]

作者: zofa (擦身而過的,幸福。) 看板: SanFrancisco
標題: [情報] HiRecruit Job Fair
時間: Fri Aug 24 04:40:52 2007



SVCACA broadcasts the Job Fair on behalf of CIE-SF as follows,

Dear friends:

Here is a good opportunity for you to meet and know
many Taiwan and US high-tech companies -- there will
be a HiRecruit Job Fair on 8/25 (coming Saturday) at
Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. The address is 2700
Mission College Blvd. and the time is 9am to 4pm.
Representatives from the list of companies below will
be there to explain to you what their companies are
all about.

You don't need to be there just to find a job, and no
resume is required to attend. We hope you can learn
something from this interaction. Better yet, all
attendees are eligible for a drawing with prizes (1)
Wii, (2) SFO-TPE round-trip ticket!

Looking forward to seeing you then. I am sure it
would be a fruitful experience.

Bernard Shung
2007 CIE-SF President

-------------- company list -----------------
Cadence, Inc.
Google, Inc.
Marvell Semiconductor
Spansion Inc.
聯發科技 (Mediatek)
華邦電子 (Winbond)
旺宏電子 (Micronix)
智原科技 (Faraday)
創意電子 (Globalunichip)
聯華電子 (UMC)
訊連科技 (Cyberlink)
思源科技 (Springsoft)
瑞昱半導體 (Realtek)
奇景光電 (Himax)
英業達公司 (Inventec)
台灣艾司摩爾公司 (ASML)
微星科技 (Micro-Star)
宏達電子 (High Tech Computer Corp.)
環隆電氣 (Universal Scientific Industrial Corp.)
工業技術研究院 (ITRI)
資訊工業策進會 (III)





All Comments


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-08-23T20:03
連身邊的法國人都說巴黎工作不好找 真希望那不是真的 我目前是在一家小服裝公司作服裝助理的實習 我想我滿能堪大任吧 掃地倒茶水跑腿都沒做過(�� ...

EE 北加找工作經驗談(一) - 3D/Video Software Egnineer

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-08-22T14:18
面試公司: 在Sacremento附近的一家公司 (成功) 面試職位: 3D/Video Software Engineer 求職方法: 曾在公司網站+ MonsterTrak 投過履歷 後來被部門主管看 ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-08-21T08:35
我新加了一個看板公佈欄 放在進板畫面的地方 把最近有版友提出的問題 但是可能沒有獲得回應的問題 或者是沒有得到足夠相關訊息的討論 放在上面 � ...

加拿大的學生工讀許可 (Off-Campus)

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-08-20T14:38
前陣子 加拿大政府公佈了一個新的規則 拿某些公立大學或者學院學生簽證的學生 在經過一定時數的課程後 可以在加拿大做每週20小時以內的打工 詳細 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-08-19T20:20
※ 引述《OverseaJob (Oversea_Job 版匿名 ID)》之銘言: 人生本來就是在不同的十字路口一直做選擇 先衡量自己未來幾年的規劃,然後問問自己綠卡在你心中� ...