Hiring HR at Fremont CA 94538 - offer

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-11-06T08:17

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Hi 大家好 我們公司在找HR and office adminitraion! (公司可協助申請H1B or E2)
小弟為代PO,若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: [email protected]

Company: Sparqtron Co. @Fremont
Job Title: HR and Office Administration

‧Utilizing a variety of effective recruitment methods to lead employee
recruitment process for all positions.
‧Performs pre-employment hiring processes including drafting offer letters.
‧Coordinates the new hire orientation, training and manage employee
separation process.

‧Performs compliance training such as safety and harassment. Delivers other
employment-related training as necessary.
‧Propose annual benefit plan including medical, dental and vision insurance.
‧Updating employee payroll related employment profiles anytime. Conducts
payroll process biweekly and preparing payroll reports monthly.
‧Maintains mandatory employment postings to ensure compliance with Federal,
State and Local regulations on employee bulletin boards
‧Performs related work as required and assigned.
‧Coordinating office activities and operations to secure efficiency and
compliance with company policies including maintains records, documentation
and office supply inventory.

‧Bachelor’s degree in HR, legal or business related.
‧1-2 years experiences in HR related field.
‧Excellent verbal communication skill, detail oriented, and the ability to
handle multiple projects and priorities in a fast-paced environment.
‧Proficient with Microsoft Office suite of products (Word, Excel,
‧Mandarin prefer.

Please send resume to : [email protected]

Tags: offer

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-11-05T19:51
請問一下 我還沒入職 八月已經拿到offer 準備1月入職 聽朋友也才開入職 說最近入職 公司 全面調漲底薪 調漲後 比我的底薪還高 所以 我確定 當初公司給的offer 是依照公 司調薪前的標準 想請問遇到這種狀況 需要問HR 我的offer 可以依照調薪的比例調整嗎 ? 還是不用問 進去後 公司會自動我調 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2021-11-03T18:42
第一次發文~~~ 小女子目前於某台商當動畫師,於不久前有幸與魁北克Montreal 某電影公司面試拿到約 一年合約,但隨著要on board時間接近卻越猶豫不決。 小女子曾在美國待五年(2年碩士+3年工作)後回台灣工作2-3年,雖曾有小撞牆期但理性 認為現任公司大環境下整體不錯,也跟不錯的PM跟team 配 ...

從瑞典轉到丹麥part 3 薪水談判

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-11-01T20:56
因為從丹麥搬到荷蘭,事情有點多。沉寂了一個月,漸漸settle 我終於把當時後丹麥薪水談判成功的首尾寫完了。我比當初合約談高了至少15% 網路易讀版https://vocus.cc/article/613ea67dfd8978000144fe61 上篇談到丹麥內轉面試後,等了一個月終於拿到offer。 看 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2021-10-31T11:25
版上各位好 先簡單講下背景,普渡念供應鏈碩/年底畢業/有美實習/無身分/拿到EAD卡(一月中開始) 目前剛拿到一個傳產在西岸的mid-level缺,對方也願意等到明年一月中或底上工。 因此即使我目前還是繼續在進行面試,但考慮到未來上工後,回台灣這件事會變得很不 確定,加上也已經一年半沒回去了,因此在思考是 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2021-10-31T09:03
我認為要不要念博士跟大老沒有太大關係 你自己以後算要做什麼樣的工作!?這比較重要?! 自己都跟我學生說, 去找機會跟那些你希望你45-50歲想達到個工作的業界人士談, 跟他們要名片,查一下他們的linkin, 就知道你要不要念博士班,出社會要找什麼樣的工作。 另要去要去業界找工作,不管是博士還是碩士,你會的 ...