Hiring Manufacturing Engineer @Fremont 94538 - 海外工作

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-08-25T01:48

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※ [本文轉錄自 SanFrancisco 看板 #1X9I-j2R ]

作者: waynelee (Wayne Lee) 看板: SanFrancisco
標題: [工作] Hiring Manufacturing Engineer @Fremont
時間: Wed Aug 25 01:43:06 2021

Hi 大家好 我們公司目前需要找Manufacturing Engineer
小弟為代PO,若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: [email protected]

Company: Sparqtron Co. @Fremont 94538
Job Title: Manufacturing Engineer

ME Job description
1. Review, study and analyze customer engineering data file package
2. Provide labor quotation to program manager
3. (After customer awards the job to Sparqtron) Prepare for the job’s
engineering readiness for our production that includes: defining manufacturing
process, designing and ordering tooling/stencil, determining process
parameters, tuning reflow thermal profile, creating MPI – Manufacturing
Process Instructions, monitoring the actual production build, conducting
process improvement if applicable, all the way until product is shipped out
of door to customer
4. Interface with team member of all job functions – program manager,
purchasing buyer, stockroom team, production team, quality team.
5. Interface with customer’s engineering counterpart to provide support,
feedback and solution for issues that may include, but not limited to,
providing DFM (Design for Manufacturability) report to customer, to help
improve the product’s manufacturability, production efficiency and quality
6. Special technical, engineering related tasks assigned by engineering
director for manufacturing process study and/or development.

ME Job Requirement:
Education: College or higher in E.E or related field
Experience: Understand Bill of Materials, GERBER and/or CAD.
Previous experience with electronic manufacturing is a plus.
Skills: Proficiency in Microsoft Office components.

Please send resume to [email protected]


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