Hiring ME Engineer at Fremont CA 94538 - 海外工作

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2022-05-11T10:22

Table of Contents

Hi 大家好 我們公司在找 Manufacturing Engineer
小弟為代PO,若有任何疑問或要應徵的, 請直接email: [email protected]

Company: Sparqtron Co. @Fremont
Job Title: Manufacturing Engineer

ME Job description
1. Review, study and analyze customer engineering data file package
2. Provide labor quotation to program manager
3. (After customer awards the job to Sparqtron) Prepare for the job’s
engineering readiness for our production that includes: defining
manufacturing process, designing and ordering tooling/stencil, determining
process parameters, tuning reflow thermal profile, creating MPI –
Manufacturing Process Instructions, monitoring the actual production build,
conducting process improvement if applicable, all the way until product is
shipped out of door to customer
4. Interface with team member of all job functions – program manager,
purchasing buyer, stockroom team, production team, quality team.
5. Interface with customer’s engineering counterpart to provide support,
feedback and solution for issues that may include, but not limited to,
providing DFM (Design for Manufacturability) report to customer, to help
improve the product’s manufacturability, production efficiency and quality
6. Special technical, engineering related tasks assigned by engineering
director for manufacturing process study and/or development.

ME Job Requirement:
Education: College or higher in E.E or related field.
Experience: Understand Bill of Materials, GERBER and/or CAD. Previous
experience with electronic manufacturing is a plus.
Skills: Proficiency in Microsoft Office components.

Please send resume to [email protected]


All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2022-05-13T11:15
what's the total compensation budget?


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-05-08T22:36
大家晚安,目前我打算去海外工作,但有蠻多想法跟選擇, 有點不太確定自己適合哪個,因為其實都沒有排斥, 網路上也有蠻多分享的,但還是想來問問大家的意見, 自己是有近五年的台灣軟體工程師經驗(今年28y), 目前在台灣年收大概 140w 左右, 有想挑戰海外工作, 也知道美國比起其他國家薪資優握非常多 ...

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By Lauren
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代po 請不要站內信 我們團隊主要負責Digital Silicon Validation on Wireless chipsets,以下是工作內 容跟需求 上班地點: Cupertino CA, 上海, 三人團報可討論台北 :) 有興趣請直接email聯繫hiring manager [email p ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2022-04-27T23:19
*本問卷已徵得版主同意發文* 大家好 我是成大的研究生,論文主要討論異國環境對海外工作者的行為影響。 考量版上的版友們可能是正在海外工作,因此欲藉版上人氣及版友們的協助來填答此份問 卷。 *目前急需正在歐美地區工作的前輩版友們填問卷,在您許可情況下歡迎分享本問卷給您 一樣在海外打拼的家人朋友,非常感謝各 ...

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