IMC精英人力(代徵)美商世坤研究 - 工程師

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2015-03-06T19:29

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※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1K-O-3Uj ]

作者: imcted (IMC Ted) 看板: job
標題: [台北] IMC精英人力(代徵)美商世坤研究
時間: Fri Mar 6 19:29:04 2015





Quant Researcher


Our research subsidiary in Taipei is seeking mathematics, computer science, physics and engineering majors for quantitative researcher position involving the creation of computer-based models that seek to predict the movements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will provide the new hires with mentoring and guidance to help
them succeed.

We offer outstanding career opportunities, which include:
- Competitive financial rewards, relative to performance and position
- Friendly and collegial working environment
- Opportunity for promotion to Vice President in 2 to 4 years
- Rare opportunity to learn from investment experts


- Ph.D. or M.S. degree from a leading Taiwan, (or from other leading universities in the world) US university and B.S. degree from the top university in Taiwan, US, (or from other leading universities in the world) in a highly analytical field, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Financial Engineering or any other related field that is highly analytical and quantitative
- Ranked as top 30% in class for bachelor's degree
- Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, persevering, smart, a self-starter, etc.
- Be competent in a programming language (C++ or C)
- Possess good English language skills
- Have a strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets
- Have a strong work ethic












Ted Chiu
[email protected]


Please email your CV (incl. GPA and/or class ranking) to the above address. Thanks


All Comments


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-03-06T16:56
各位好!小弟上一份工作在台塑(海外)做了3年多~ 因有想成家的打算與家庭因素故返台找尋相類似的工作 今天收到遠東新世紀/化纖總部/製程工程師(新�� ...

景氣轉綠燈 台灣經濟往好的態勢

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-03-06T15:33
景氣轉綠燈 台灣經濟往好的態勢 (中央社記者陳政偉台北5日電)國發會今天公布104年1月景氣燈號為綠燈,經濟發展處 處長吳明蕙表示,今年國內景�� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-03-06T15:15
請問各位版大~外派津貼與年薪是先談還是後談?? 事情是這樣的.... 最近直接鎖定戀人(auo)外派職務-製程/整合相關外派工程師 有幸得到口頭offer(HR有 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-03-06T14:03
各位前輩好! 本身是四大化學所博班, 主要研究領域是有機材料分子合成 最近面臨快畢業的時期, 開始去聽聽公司的徵才活動 其實一直都知道達興這� ...

高雄日月光 單位CRD

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-03-06T12:24
如題 小弟以收到神教的聘約書 想問知道神教CRD部門大約工作內容及內部風氣 該注意些什麼的。請了解的大大告知小弟一下 --