Intel 3D/Video/Graphics Software Engineer - 履歷

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-04-26T14:39

Table of Contents

先來貼 英文版的工作內容


In this position, you will be joining the Graphics Engineering (GE)
Fulsim team responsible for hardware modeling of all graphics projects.
The Fulsim team design and develop C++ pipeline that models 3D and/or
2D graphics and Video (MPEG and/or AVC and/or VC1) and/or image enhancement
algorithms used in Intel's chips. You will be working on
spec definition and algorithm development (along with architects,
micro-architects, and Design Engineers), and owning the software
design and validation. This model is the primary reference for
graphics and media hardware validation, both pre and post-silicon,
and it's also used by the graphics driver team for driver debug and

You should possess a Bachelor or a Master of Science degree in
Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a
related discipline. Additional qualifications include:
- Strong C++ coding skills with practical experience in OO programming
- Knowledge in programming and debugging in IA-32 assembly language
and Perl and/or Ruby*
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Good knowledge of microprocessors and computer system architecture
- Understanding of digital electronics and logic design
- Good knowledge of IA-32, PC platforms and operating systems
- Excellent communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills
- A self-starter with the ability to work effectively both
independently and in a team
- Good planning and strong problem solving skills
- Knowledge of 3D and 2D graphics algorithms or video specs would be
an added advantage, as is a good knowledge of Intel hardware

Business Group
Employees in Intel's Mobility Group design and implement the Intel
mobile technology used in notebook computers, phones, ultra-mobile
PCs and other portable devices. Intel's industry leading technology
includes processors, chipsets, Enhanced Data for GSM Environment (EDGE),
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), High-Speed
Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), Wi-Fi and WiMAX wireless radios. These
industry-leading technologies are driving the new mobile era of
semiconductors, where people will carry their computing with them,
making it truly personal. This group is growing very quickly, and has
the broadest set of mobile and wireless technologies in the industry.


接下來是 翻譯豆沙包

1. 找RCG, 有經驗者 or summer starter 想要幹掉nVidia的人 @@~
2. 工作內容: IC design front end job: Software modeling, validation, C model
(對 沒有徵VLSI engineer 也沒有RTL相關的部份)
3. 產品: INTEL Graphic Chipset 的 3D/2D/Media(Video Codec)
4. 要求: 具備以下其中一個knowledge
- 3D Graphics
- Video codec(Mpeg124, H.264, VC1)
compression algorithm(Transform/Motion search/estimation/deblocking)
5. 地點: Folsom, CA (荒涼的地方 但是可以週週開去Tahoe..XD)


1. 我不是在Intel上班的 但是我可以幫你把履歷塞進去
2. Manager親自要人 所以你的履歷會直接被送到Manager的信箱
3. 相關徵才可以在INTEL網站看到 不過上面大概只寫 需要有經驗者
4. 希望真的覺得自己qualify的人再來投履歷吧 :)
5. 請附上履歷.pdf+100字Cover letter 請寄到 [email protected]

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-04-27T01:17
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-04-29T00:04
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-05-01T12:19
更正, 應該是 US 50 公路.
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-05-05T08:47
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-05-05T23:27
有沒有intel衝到27卻沒撈到的八卦? XD
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-05-10T22:12
我覺得intel要18~20進場 XD
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-05-12T09:12
請問一下是找正職嗎? intern or co-op接不接受? :p


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2008-04-26T08:00
我目前在西雅圖的社區大學唸 purchasing and supply chain 的 certificate 今年六月OPT開始 在台灣的大學畢業過後有三年採購工作經驗 原本是計畫念完後回台灣 � ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-04-25T13:19
※ 引述《MAGICJOHNSON (我愛傳球)》之銘言: : 繼年初要不要找工作的困惑 : 現在又遇到了找工作(financial services)時碰到的迷思 : 眼看畢業典禮就在轉角 : �� ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-04-25T12:21
繼年初要不要找工作的困惑 現在又遇到了找工作(financial services)時碰到的迷思 眼看畢業典禮就在轉角 這陣子上學校的網站和monster 很勤 可是看到大部分 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-04-23T14:03
先介紹一下我的背景,Johns Hopkins U Biostat master 目前等畢業中 在這兩週interview的過程中我背問到的全部都跟我二年級做的RA有關 我幾乎沒有投履歷,只有在� ...

resume上一定要放referee嗎 (找intern)

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-04-18T11:58
想請問一下 美國的履歷表上一定要放referee嗎? 我現在念研究所想找intern 但因為advisor希望學生以研究為主 而不要去業界實習 所以想要偷偷進行找工作, ...