Internship in Biotech Company - 美國

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-03-07T22:19

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※ [本文轉錄自 SanFrancisco 看板 #1FLlvayc ]

作者: san5231 (我是一個謎....) 看板: SanFrancisco
標題: [工作]Internship in Biotech Company
時間: Wed Mar 7 14:21:21 2012

公司位在South Fremont

Job Description:
Henlius Biopharmaceutical, Inc., a start-up biotech company focusing on
development and commercialization of mAb-based therapeutics, is seeking two
full-time/part-time interns.
1. B.S., degree (or in progress), majoring in one or more of biological
sciences, chemistry, or biochemistry.
2. Knowledge/Experience with ELISA and basic lab techniques such as pipetting
and dilution.
3. Proficiency with Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
4. Must be detail-orientated and able to work in a fast-paced environment.
5. Must be authorized to work in the United States.


1. Perform a wide range of experiments such as ELISA, SDS-PAGE, PCR, cloning,
cell counting, sample preparation, protein purification, HPLC and etc.
2. Laboratory maintenance and preparation of buffers and solutions.
3. Assist research associates and scientists with projects.
4. Other duties as needed.

Job Location:
The laboratory is located in Fremont, CA.
Contact Info:
Please forward resume with contact information to [email protected] for
considerations. Thank you.

Tags: 美國

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配偶申請ITIN (for tax purpose)問題

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2012-03-07T15:03
想幫配偶申請ITIN 念過了w7的instruction 發現proof document 有很嚴苛的要求 因為我老婆月底要回台灣 所以我們沒有辦法使用護照正本 手邊另外的文件 �� ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-03-07T13:55
本人持有J1,於Oregon 在美國於2011年3月到2011年12月以trainee領取薪資 現在要報稅了!當初每個月有繳給聯邦與州政府稅,目前應該是要報稅領退稅 因為�� ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-03-06T13:14
※ [本文轉錄自 GameDesign 看板 #1FK1FAWF ] 作者: KCKCKC (~ 。 ...) 看板: GameDesign 標題: [分享] 美國遊戲公司求職經驗分享 時間: Fri Mar 2 08:26:44 2012 大家 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2012-03-06T10:53
地點:美國 公司去年給了些股票 我記得那時公司有問 稅是不是要預扣 我選擇了是 後來領到股票後 存進去stocktrad 年底前就賣掉了 這樣這筆賣掉後的收�� ...

在台灣如何報 Medicare 和 SS

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-03-06T10:25
自己回自己的文章來回應推文比較快 請教 cchris 和 Kruz 二位版友 就我的了解, Social Security 是用薪水最高的那三十五年來算最後的福利金 如果有了 40 �� ...