Invitation Only Interview Event @ Mountain View, CA - 面試

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-07-16T07:29

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台灣留學生加油 :)

Microsoft Online Services在徵人

主要徵人在Mountain View, CA的campus

他們會在8/14 8/15 Mountain View 有個 by invitation interview event

Software Development Engineer
Software Development Engineer in Test
Program Manager

- Hold a Bachelors degree in Computer Science or have equivalent
work experience
- Have spent 2 or more years developing and/or testing commercial
software in either C, C++ or C#
- Possess strong software design skills and object oriented
programming experience
- Have the ability to work both independently and in a group setting
- Passion for taking on big challenges

我看了一下 好像有兩種方式可以投履歷
1. 我幫你推薦給負責的staffing person
2. 請自己寫信給那個 Natalie Thomas 附上履歷 (他的e-mail可以在Linked in看到)

PS: 我不在這各group 所以沒辦法給大家意見啦
不過如果你要來面試的時候 可以來找我 祝大家好運啦 :)


All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-07-16T14:16
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-07-18T21:53
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-07-19T21:18


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-07-12T01:09
Reply back to him and say: and#34;Sure! Please let me know if you are going to book the plane tickets for me or if I will be reimbursed for booking them myselfand#34;. Basically respond with the pre ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-07-11T15:08
※ 引述《Pelsia (住在塔裡北極熊)》之銘言: : 我:我自己也很矛盾,一來我經驗不夠,二來難得看到採購的entry level沒要求年數 : 所以,想請問版眾, ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-07-11T14:11
剛逛了圈精華區 看了一兩篇關於到加州找工作的文章 有網友在推文提到一件事 在resume上寫外州當地的地址較能提高interview的機會 問題來了,很� ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-07-11T07:34
昨天收到一封名為interview的信 是我前天下午傳真cover letterandamp; resume過去的公司(跟工業,汽車零件相關產業) (我應徵的是採購) 信中只有說收到我� ...

[北加州矽谷] ASIC design engineer

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-07-10T23:23
※ 引述《lithas (nobody)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《lithas (nobody)》之銘言: : : 這兩天已經phone screen一些candidate了,基本上,來自各種source的resume我 : : 還是繼續在 ...