Job Opportunity for Market Analytics - 海外工作

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-05-24T11:58

Table of Contents

最近有認識一些 recruiter,常常會收到一些轉寄的信

Marketing Analytics & Optimization Manager
Washington State
Relocation Assistance Available
H1B Visa Candidates Considered
Our client is one of the giants of mobile. They are actively growing their
online channel for new customer activation and service. That makes this role
highly visible with senior management. They need a "big data" thinker who can
work with the marketing department and other stakeholders. This role is a new
role being created so that to understand customer experience issues on their
website through data, research and usability, plan and test potential
solutions to eventually implement and improve conversion of the online channel

Digital Traffic Optimization Manager
Washington State
Relocation Assistance Available
H1B Visa Candidates Considered
This role was created so that our client can 1) measure and optimize the
return on investment of web traffic-generating activities; 2) manage
initiatives/programs to drive traffic to their web properties through various
sources, such as display, affiliates, etc. Drive value added digital
insights using web analytics and research tools. Provide investigative/deep
analysis to create audiences for retargeting. Perform media optimization
modeling, ROI modeling, manage to key KPIs for various traffic sources. Lead
analytics to support demand generation optimization.

有興趣的人可以站內信 or [email protected]




All Comments


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-05-23T06:09
※ 引述《cmsh (who am i)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 我預計暑假碩士畢業 一心想著畢業後到美國或加拿大定居 : 雖說好像很想 但卻也常常問自己 我的動機或初� ...

工作簽證 稅務請教

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-05-22T15:35
友人在台灣面試一家台商,在北美工作(很北邊的州),走工作簽證,簽約二年,住宿跟交 通由公司負責(聽說因為他們包了一間房子給所有台幹一起住andg ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2013-05-22T15:33
各位好 我目前在考慮換工作及生涯規劃 主要是想換個工作內容更有趣,技術也更有挑戰性的地方 但不確定該留在台灣,還是直接轉往大陸或美國發展 � ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-05-22T11:50
抱歉 我沒有綠卡但是想到海外工作 搜尋幾篇文章看到其中的資訊 and#34;..H1收滿...and#34; and#34;..最快明年十月才能拿到簽證..and#34 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-05-21T01:20
[北美] 出國念化工碩士andamp;找工作 各位版友大家好 小妹現在是112化工系的學生,目前有規劃大學畢業之後出國念書。 而我本身對於學術研究沒有愛Q ...