Latitude代徵JP Google Online Specialis - 加班

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-10-18T23:57

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Latitude People 株式会社

Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25

Job Title: Google Japan, Online Specialist, Global Customer Experience

‧ Prioritize and deliver outstanding customer service experience to Google's
advertisers, publishers, and/or users.
‧ Collaborate with Specialists, Engineers, and Product team members on new
feature development.
‧ Provide outstanding customer service and sales support to Google's
advertisers, publishers and users and manage customer inquiries by phone,
e-mail and/or live chat.
‧ Google products such as AdWords, and other expanding product portfolios
that include Google Shopping/Merchant Center, Local/Places, etc.
‧ Provide strategic advice and help customers by working closely in a
consultative role with customers.

Minimum qualifications:
‧ BA/BS degree or equivalent experience.
‧ Ability to speak English and Japanese fluently and idiomatically.

Preferred qualifications:
‧ 2 years of professional experience.
‧ Experience in customer support, sales, technical support, account or
campaign management.
‧ Interest in the online advertising/display industry.

薪資(保證最低年薪):JPY 6-10mn
公司分紅與獎金: Negotiable
加班費制度: 符合日本當地法規

聯絡方式:[email protected]
或參加 10/22之工作說明會


All Comments


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-10-14T07:05
常看到網路上說日本所得稅高 所以我好奇到底有多高,畢竟稅後所得才是更重要的 研究了一下 在板上搜尋所得稅關鍵字 看到有人貼了稅率表http://ww ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-10-14T01:01
电子科技大学(成都)微纳器件研究中心招收博士后 电子科技大学微纳器件研究中心成立于2011年,由多名国家千人计划专家和科研人员组成 。研究中心�� ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-10-13T20:50
想請問版上前輩 如果拿美國會計師執照到日本工作 不限四大 請問這樣個人履歷在日本能找到不錯的工作嗎? 另外爬了文 日本會計師執業似乎只認�� ...

新加坡影像製作公司Weave 徵影像設計師

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-10-12T14:13
新加坡影像製作公司Weave 公司目前急徵一名影像設計師(Motion Graphics Artist)。 公司網站 申請者需具備以下條件: -會使用After effects ...

Irvine CA PM 薪資 生活 所得稅 請益

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-10-10T20:13
※ 引述《justpluto (繽紛的世界)》之銘言: : 各位大家好。 : 先介紹一下我的背景: : 交大CS碩畢。 網通相關FW RD 3年。 在目前公司當任PM 一年多。 英語聽 ...