Market/marketing Research Group - 海外工作

John avatar
By John
at 2012-05-01T19:53

Table of Contents

anyone here working in market/marketing research industry in the U.S.?

I would like to create an informal group for Taiwanese and hopefully this group
will include people from other Asian countries eventually. The purpose of this
group is to help Taiwanese in the MR industry indentify challenges, explore
opporunities, and share information/knowledge.

I know there are many market research groups to join so the difference is that
the target member of this group is those who grew up in Taiwan, received
most of the education in Taiwan, and are now working in the U.S.

So far I have not found many Taiwanese working in this industry, compared
the amount of Taiwanese working in the IT industry. (I found one in my
company few days ago....but he grew up here and can only speak Taiwanese...!)

If you are in the New York metropolitan area and would like to form this
group with me, that's awesome and let's meet up. If you are not in the NYC
area, I still need you since I don't think I can do this by myself...!

please send me a message to my ptt account if this sounds interesting to you!

(if there is already a group like this, please let me know...I would love to
join :P)


All Comments

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-05-04T20:01
標題寫拉美,內文沒西班牙文卻寫英文? 結果內容是美國?
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-05-09T17:52
還是說,標題所謂的[拉美]是指"拉美國市場的生意"? XD


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-04-26T05:07
我的公司最近要在New Jersey 的 Cranbury 開分公司 所以最近在找人 因為是華人公司 所以希望是會說中文的 公司是做進口的 總公司在 Houston 因為對 New J ...

ead card寄丟

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2012-04-24T08:09
我在3/9寄出ead card的申請 然後網路上的進度已經是在4/11寄出我的卡 不過現在問題是 我從頭到尾只有收到一封e-mail是說uscis有收到我的申請 但除了卡� ...

SAIGAN Technologies 這間公司

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-04-24T05:23
我前一陣子接到這間在Kansas city 的 SAIGAN Technologies 不知道有人聽過這公司嗎? 聽起很像是人力派遣公司 因為提供training,又馬上提供H1 一整個聽起來很詭 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-04-23T18:16
如題 下個月要幫老闆去俄羅斯設好公司 應該會是在莫斯科 不過聽說治安不太好 而且生活費高 目前也正在找相關翻譯人員 請問目前有人會俄羅斯語 或 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-04-19T15:48
你的resume多長啊?bachelor的話最好不要超過一頁 ※ 引述《chihow0520 (異鄉人)》之銘言: : 小弟即將畢業 : 請各位大大幫忙看我的resume : 希望各位大大請提� ...