Mindtronic AI徵工程師 - 工程師

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-07-25T11:12

Table of Contents

公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): Mindtronic AI Co. Ltd.

公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市信義區忠孝東路四段512號2F-4


In Mindtronic AI we are looking for talented computer vision, machine
learning, robotic, and autonomous driving engineers and scientists to join
our research and innovation team. As part of this team, you will get involved
in the development of cutting-edge technologies for the automobile industry,
working along with a group of young and dynamic researchers in a familiar
environment, and facing new and interesting challenges. Joining Mindtronic AI
means working in an international environment, collaborating with our many
front-line partners in the automobile sector, and becoming an important part
on the development of commercial technologies with a huge potential exposure.

Computer Vision Engineer
1. Job description:
This position involves in developing computer vision and machine
learning algorithms for intelligent vehicles, specifically to develop
driver monitoring system functionalities that boosts driving safety
and enables smooth handover between manual driving and autonomous

2. 職缺能力經歷要求:
(1) At least Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Electrical Engineering or equivalent.
(2) Strong knowledge and experience on at least one of the following:
a. Innovate and design neural network and/or machine learning
b. Optimize computer vision/machine learning code to embedded systems
using, for example, ARM NEON, NNA accelerator, OpenCL, BLAS, etc.
(3) Fluent communication in English.

Vehicle Controlling Engineer
1. Job description:
This position involves in the development of autopilot system for
L2-L5 autonomous driving cars. This development includes the design
and implementation of a real-time robot software architecture, control
, and safety routines.
2. 職缺能力經歷要求:
(1) MS degree in Robotics, Mechatronics or related
(2) Strong experience on vehicle control via, e.g. CAN/LIN bus, and
autonomous navigation.
(3) Field-test experiment design and result analysis of autopilot systems.
(4) Fluent communication in English.

Autonomous Driving Scientist
1. Job description:
This position involves in the development of autopilot system for
L2-L5 autonomous driving cars. This development includes the design
and implementation of a real-time robot software architecture, sensor
fusion mechanisms, safety routines, fuzzy system, and human machine
2. 職缺能力經歷要求:
(1) MS degree in AI, Intelligent Systems, Computer Science, Mechanical
Engineering, or related.
(2) Strong experience about machine learning techniques and/or mechanisms
for road scene understanding and vehicle navigations.
(3) Sensor modeling and Sensor fusion: Including sensors such as cameras,
LIDAR, Radar, or ultrasounds.
(4) Fluent communication in English.

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否

薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 1M-2M by 14 months

公司分紅與獎金: Cash bonus plus RSU share plan depending on performance

每日工作時間: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小時,中午休息 1小時)
每周工作時間: 8*5=40 hr


工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: http://www.mindtronicai.com

公司介紹: http://www.mindtronicai.com

人資或徵才聯絡方式: Please send your CV to email: [email protected]


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客戶搶插隊 各家擴產鴨子划水

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-07-25T10:35
客戶搶插隊 各家擴產鴨子划水 自由電子報 〔記者洪友芳/新竹報導〕進入第三季傳統旺季,功率半導體產能持續供給不足,客戶排 隊或搶插隊盛況仍存在,各家代工廠擴產計畫也鴨子划水進行中。 世界先進(5347)目前共有3座8吋廠,因應指紋辨識應用大幅成長、電源管理IC需求顯著 增多,產能持續吃緊。世界先進從去年起評估投資買廠或建新廠的擴產計畫,但目前8吋 廠或設備都難買,在台灣或海外建12吋新廠都是 ...

2D農科普 手機網頁遊戲工程師

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-07-25T10:34
文章發表後即代表您已閱讀過置底的 板務規範 和 發文規範。 以下各項 ◎ 欄位為必填,請確實填寫; 各項 ⊙ 欄位為選填,請按需求填寫。 �� ...

郭董出招?群創被爆將分割 與鴻海、夏普整併

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-07-25T10:06
郭董出招?群創被爆將分割 與鴻海、夏普整併 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕台灣面板龍頭群創傳出分割?根據《蘋果》報導,群創員工爆料,稱群創可能分割,留下產品事業群(BU),旗下的車用模組與4、5及6廠切割出去與夏普合併。 群創駁斥:無稽之談 報導指出,群創員工透露,公司將於8月10日舉行員工說明會,說明未來規劃。對此爆料,群創強調是不實傳言,並指出公司積極推動加值化、多元化以及平台化發展,稱外界傳聞是 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-07-25T10:01
本肥宅大小公司都待過,最大的就是海邊赴屎坑,最小的就是人數含產線不滿百人的家族企業,基本上在台灣只要是20年以上的小公司幾乎都是家族企業居多,在家族小公司裡很容易看到這種現象:RD忙到翻,但是也有人閒到翻,當然這種現象在海邊赴屎坑內也有,但是大公司畢竟不是家族企業,想要整天打混摸魚不扛責任還能考績拿不錯,還是得付出時間努力舔上面的屁眼跟相當的金錢付出以及恥力要夠,但在小公司這樣的人連舔屁眼都不需要 ...

夏季iPhone員工招聘開跑 富士康砸9千元獎金留員工

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-07-25T08:27
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