MNC Apparel- Product Marketing Manager - 大陸工作

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-08-01T23:34

Table of Contents

Prodcut Marketing Manager

Location: Shanghai

Position Overview:

This position is responsible for establishing " A new Product Brand" as the

leading brand in China market through branding, mass communication, public

Relations, and product promotion relevant initiatives. The position also

carry on the responsibility of enhancing product sales and brand

awareness/penetration rate by well-define brand values communications with

target audiences.

Ideal Candidate:

1. Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Sales is preferred. At least 4-5 years
working experiences in marketing or sales

2. Strong Command of English or Japanese with excellent business English
and speaking skills.


Please contact through Wechat(ID: b98303052) for further discussion or send

your CV to [email protected]


All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-08-03T22:46


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2016-08-01T19:22
※ 引述《j02850 (Blues)》之銘言: : 小弟即將邁入27 : 目前收到一份中國嘉興的offer為17k RMB : 每年12個月加分紅 : 工作內容為產品展示器材的專案管理 : 還想請教版上不知這樣的薪資水平在中國來說是否算是正常 剛好最近也想問, 就借原文問一下了。 我今年剛畢業(22), ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-08-01T07:03
(借用老婆帳號發文,違規自砍) 各位好,小弟將在九月份前往上海。 2010-2013年任職於現任公司(日商食品業,local hire), 2013被調回日本總部。隔了四年再度被派回上海,主要工作為市場開發。 想請問各位是否能推薦一下靜安寺或南京西路周圍比較好的小區。需求如下: .房型:兩房 .面積:20- ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-07-31T16:37
蘇州《桃花源記》:夢裡聞香尋滋味 網誌圖文版: 中國最古老的史書《史記》和《吳越春秋》,記載了一段「魚腹藏劍」(太 湖炙魚)的傳奇。 死士專諸受伍子胥所托,專門到太湖邊上﹐向名師太和公 ...

預備淡出China online

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2016-07-31T00:20
從畢業退伍後就開始註冊China online game,至今即將邁入第十個年頭啦……人生幾個十年呢?哈哈哈... 期間工作輾轉歡樂輾轉杯具... 如今有機會可以踏上偉大的台灣外商航道,實在有點心動,想在China online下線了。 不知道有沒有前輩們能給予建議或說說你們對兩岸三地工作的看法?! 歡迎 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2016-07-30T00:25
來了快一年了,整個大上海找不到台灣百元理髮的技術...都試過了... 這邊打薄就是把你的頭髮剪齊!!! 真是嚇死寶寶了,還常常遇到把你剪的左右不對稱然後說是造型的...你大爺的! 有人知道上海哪邊有會剪台灣那種打薄或是刺蝟頭的設計師嗎?謝謝! - ...