Nanometrics and Rudolph Announce Merge - 工程師

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2019-06-25T06:35

Table of Contents

原文標題 : Nanometrics and Rudolph Announce Merger Agreement to Create
a Premier Semiconductor Process Control Company

原文出處 :

Nanometrics Incorporated (NASDAQ: NANO), a leading provider of advanced
process control metrology and software analytics, and Rudolph Technologies,
Inc. (NYSE: RTEC), a leading provider of semiconductor process control
systems, lithography equipment, and software for wafer fabs and advanced
packaging facilities, today announced that they have agreed to combine in an
all-stock merger of equals transaction. The merged company will be a premier
end-to-end metrology, inspection, process control software, and lithography
equipment provider for the semiconductor industry and other advanced markets.

Under the terms of the agreement, which was unanimously approved by the
Boards of Directors of both companies, Rudolph stockholders will receive
0.8042 shares of Nanometrics common stock for each Rudolph share. Upon
completion of the merger, current Nanometrics stockholders will own
approximately 50% and current Rudolph stockholders will own approximately 50%
of the combined company.

Rudolph CEO Michael Plisinski will serve as Chief Executive Officer and
Rudolph CFO Steven Roth will serve as Chief Financial Officer of the combined
company, alongside a highly experienced leadership team comprised of
executives from both companies. The Board of Directors will be led by
Nanometrics director Christopher Seams and will have 12 directors, consisting
of six from each existing Board. The combined company will be headquartered
in Wilmington, Massachusetts and will maintain a strong presence at
Nanometrics’ headquarters in Milpitas, California.

Nanometrics President and Chief Executive Officer, Pierre-Yves Lesaicherre
said, “Nanometrics has a long history of innovation in the field of optical
metrology, pioneering the use of scatterometry for semiconductor process
control. In recent years, we have established a strong position in optical
critical dimension metrology, enabling the ramp of advanced technology nodes
by each of the major semiconductor manufacturers worldwide. Our merger
announced today with Rudolph marks the culmination of our respective
businesses’ growth, diversification, and increased scale. We believe the
combined global support organizations, technology development teams and
product portfolio will create a unique, end-to-end solution provider across
the entire semiconductor fabrication process. The combined company will be
able to provide improved device yield at reduced manufacturing cycle time,
supporting the accelerated product life cycles in the semiconductor and other
advanced markets.”

Rudolph Chief Executive Officer, Michael Plisinski added, “This strategic
transaction brings together two successful and complementary teams and
product portfolios. Nanometrics’ metrology portfolio is a strong strategic
fit with Rudolph’s current diversified product lines including software,
inspection, metrology, and lithography. Our current set of products has
already created integrated solutions for the advanced packaging market, and
we expect to develop new integrated solutions for customers as we are able to
draw from an even larger set of products in the future. Our customers are
consolidating and rapidly innovating across the complete value chain from
front-end fabrication to packaging. Bringing these two successful and
complementary teams together enables us to solve our customers’ high-value
problems in the years ahead. We look forward to joining forces to leverage
our respective strengths and talented teams to benefit all stakeholders.”

備註 : 產品線跟KLA有87%像,合併後的新公司規模做大,看起來有比較多的資源可以競爭


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