PhD & Postdoc position openings @ Duke - 工程師

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-08-30T10:12

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The Duke Acoustofluidics Group ( is inviting the most motivated, talented postdoc and Ph.D. candidates to join us. We conducts research at the interface of physics, engineering, micro/nano technology, chemistry, and biomedicine. We are a highly dynamic group. The graduate students from our group have been recognized with more than 80 awards for their research achievements, including National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowships, Fulbright Scholarships,
NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships, Baxter Young Investigator Awards, Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award, Founder’s prize from the American Academy of Mechanics, a Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship from Optical Society of America, a SPIE fellowship in Optics and Photonics, and best paper awards at the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposiums and MicroTAS Conferences. Several of our Ph.D. students and postdocs have received faculty positions at research universities such as
University of Texas, Austin, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Peking University (China, 1000 Young Talents Program). Those who prefer industry have taken excellent job offers from companies such as Intel, GE Global Research, P&G, BD, and Dow Chemicals. Many of our Ph.D. students have such an excellent publication record that they had got their green cards (i.e., US Permanent Residency) issued BEFORE they completed their Ph.D. degrees in our group.

We are recruiting exceptional Ph.D. and postdoc candidates with:
1. Passion for innovation and excellence; relentless pursuit of results and success
2. Excellent training in one of the following fields: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering. Strong publication record is highly preferred. We recruit postdocs/students with strong background in physics or engineering to develop new technologies; we also recruit postdocs/students with strong background in chemistry or biology to develop new applications for these technologies.
3. Ability to collaborate and work in a team

If you are interested in joining us, please send to Prof. Tony Jun Huang (email: [email protected]) with your CV.


All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-08-31T17:57


David avatar
By David
at 2016-08-30T01:42
天氣漸涼,最近部門有了新人, 小師傅也對我冷冷的,讓我的心也跟著寒了起來...... 為了讓我的身心暖起來,我決定到新竹的深處買一杯暖茶喝 誰� ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-08-30T00:58
在人力銀行搜尋到一間公司叫台灣派克漢尼汾, 查了一下是外商在台灣的分公司,在美國股價不小的樣子, 做的東西跟航太軍用品關, 只是看職缺�� ...


William avatar
By William
at 2016-08-29T23:24
小弟最近有幾個offer選擇,請版上大大能給個建議 如果有站內信透漏內部消息小的感激不盡 (鞠躬 中部人,所以皆是租屋 工作除了看薪水之外,也想問 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-08-29T21:23
通常以為進台積的基本條件是四大碩 可是有些四中碩也被錄取 四大碩反而拿到感謝函 gg還會看什麼? 以我看到的例子 都以男生來比較的話 A,B都應 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2016-08-29T21:08
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