PHP Web Developer - offer

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-03-31T14:39

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1HLzaUDb ]

作者: VersaceII (魔女的騎士) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] PHP Web Developer
時間: Sun Mar 31 14:35:06 2013

幫在澳洲的朋友帶po 如有興趣請直接和他連絡

因為是與澳洲合作 所以需要點英文程度
以看得懂這篇徵才廣告為底限(絕對不是我懶得幫他翻譯 XD)



· Work with designers to convert detailed mock-ups into fully
functioning production ready code, including HTML cutups.

· Develop online user interfaces for our web and mobile products

· Integrating front end designs with back end services and content
management systems such as WordPress

[Required Experience]

· 1+ years in web development

· Developing web applications with rich client interfaces using HTML5,
CSS, AJAX, drag and drop, and other DOM Scripting techniques

· Responsive design techniques with experience in developing web apps
(mobile sites)

· Content management system (CMS) experience with WordPress being the

· LAMP stack experience essential with some experience in development
framework (eg, Cake, CodeIgniter, Symfony and Zend)

· Understanding of design patterns and why to use them

· Web Services (REST, SOAP, XML-RPC)

· Strong understanding of browser standards and compatibility best

· Expert JavaScript skills including frameworks such a JQuery for
rapid prototyping

· Excellent communication skills, attention to detail, hardworking and
solution driven

[Required Attributes]

· Have a strong appreciation for the end user experience – with
useability and speed being primary objectives

· A deep understanding of continuous delivery and automated testing
and the value that these provide

· A good understanding of branching and merging strategies and when
it's appropriate

· You must be a team player; collaboration should be in your nature

· You should be comfortable working in an environment with a high
degree of ambiguity as your team mates might be all over the world

· A keen interest in current and emerging web technologies and
development frameworks

[Desirable Experience]

· Exposure to continuous delivery practices and principles (eg, SCRUM
& Agile)

· Experience with Automated testing frameworks

· Experience developing for iOS and Android platforms will be highly

· A strong understanding of software design patterns

· Experience with eCommerce systems such as Magento

What We Offer

· A relaxed working environment, working in your own time and flexible

· Great remuneration

· A chance to come to Australia for a year with working holiday visa,
where we will help you arrange accommodation, job and most importantly,
cultural exchange so you get to experience the real Australia.


Please send your application to
[email protected] ASAP if you would like to apply.

· Wally Chiang (Melbourne, Australia)

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +61 408 688 889


All Comments

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-04-04T21:07
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-04-08T06:50
台幣 囧 因為我不敢保證多少 所以我寫個最低的
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-04-10T03:49
澳洲領三萬NTD 不如當乞丐
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-04-13T16:49
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-04-16T21:50
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-04-18T19:54
哈哈哈 我在另一個版有說這裡忘了提 那是我隨便說個
最低的數目 因為我不確定工作時數和時間長短 所以講個
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-04-21T05:02
絕對沒問題的 XD
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-04-22T19:55

part time客服代表的薪資??

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-03-30T09:08
我在加拿大 我有份全職工程師實習生的工作 但是最近因為家裡經濟問題 打算假日去找一份打工 網路上找很久 大部分part time工都要flexibility 好不容易� ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-03-29T11:15
: : 一直想要看看有沒有辦法到美國實習 : 的機會,我指得是真的實習,不是海外打工的那種,請問這方面的資訊要去哪獲得呢?我剛考上台灣的研究所� ...

~~迷惘~~畢業後能做什麼~~(Imperial CS)

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-03-25T23:52
再過幾個月就要去UK了 哈~~~在台灣也工作4年多 想說轉換跑道 弄個外國學歷 在國外找工作方便 (IC設計業 說實在話已經死了 畢竟有呆一陣子大小M錢 ...

拉斯維加斯 五金展

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-03-25T17:30
時間: 5月七號-5月九號全美五金展 地點: 拉斯維加斯 convention center 工作內容: 展場發DM,招呼客人 薪水: 面議 如有問題請寄站內信 謝謝 --

OPT extension申請h1b期間換公司問題?

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2013-03-24T06:25
想請教一個opt extension申請h1b期間要換公司的問題 我是材料碩士畢業 opt兩年工作經驗 目前是opt extension 今年7/21將要到期 原公司也準備在4/1幫我申請h1b ...