Qualcomm PMIC SW team徵才 San Diego,CA - 履歷

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-05-19T15:22

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(PS: 由於職缺時效性的關係暫時不考慮2019 fall以後畢業的版友們,先說聲抱歉了Orz)

歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager
Email: [email protected]

有任何其他問題歡迎站內信詢問我會盡我所能回答 :)

[Job Link] https://tinyurl.com/y629qbkv
[Job Id] E1972603
[Job Title] PMIC Software engineer
[Location] California - San Diego

[Job Overview]
Qualcomm Core Platform PMIC Software team is responsible for device driver
development with a focus on power and battery management. These drivers will
run across various operating systems (Ex: Windows, UEFI, FreeRTOS, etc).
Duties include adding support for new SOCs and Power Management ICs. Drivers
include voltage and current regulator management, CPU/silicon power and
clocks, battery management, USB type C/PD, camera flash, LEDs, Keys, Haptics,
Real Time Clock, Backlight and GPIOs. Engineers on this team work with HW
designers for requirements specification on new SOCs, system architects and
engineers for broad feature design and implementation, other driver engineers
for implementing new UEFI, Windows and Linux kernel features and frameworks,
Microsoft engineers for kernel requirements, and with customers for launching
products. In addition to the mobile/smartphone/laptop/desktop market, this
team is growing into other segments like wearables, automotive, drone, and
other IoT areas.

All Qualcomm employees are expected to actively support diversity on their
teams, and in the Company.

[Minimum Qualifications]
* Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Information Systems, Computer Science, or
related field.
* 1+ years experience with Programming Language such as C, C++, Java, Python,
[Preferred Qualifications]
* 1+ Years of SW development experience in C/C++ on mobile devices (ex: IOT,
Smartphone, etc)
* Knowledge of RTOS: memory management, timers, interrupt architecture,
* Experience developing drivers on a multi core/cpu and multithreaded systems
* Knowledge of analog and digital circuit theory
* Prior exposure to PMIC/battery management software is a plus.
* Experience in Windows DMF/WDF/WDM Software Architecture is a plus.
* Experience with Qualcomm products is a plus.

[Education Requirements]
Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Information Systems, Computer Science, or
related field.

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2019-05-23T10:56
已寄email 謝謝~


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-05-14T09:54
7/16-7/23香港書展 ◎工作內容:協助香港書展活動說明、進行及預備工作等 ◎工作時間:9:30-21:00,周末可能到22點,輪休制 (分上下午班或全日班,途中�� ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-05-10T18:39
大家好,我是SEEKTOP的HR,目前公司正在擴張版圖,因此擴大招聘。 想跟大家說: 菲律賓的工作確實神祕又難以在網路上找到相關消息 但也是因為產業� ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-05-10T14:45
【日本業界知名IT顧問公司徵產品開發&SE】 ■招募公司 株式会社リウァンフ様 (https://www.revamp.co.jp/) ■募集職種 ①產品開發(日本知名雜貨品牌�� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-05-10T02:09
[再代PO第二篇心得] 真的不是詐騙啦。這活動也辦了好幾屆了,每年招的人似乎越來越多。去年聽說是全球超過五千個人申請。到現在也還是不太清楚 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-05-10T01:09
[代PO] JR 東日本每年都會開為期一星期的實習 (其實更像是參訪)。因應支薪的實習在日本是需要 申請打工度假或其他簽證,這實習為不支薪,但 JR 方會 ...