Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-03-05T23:27

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Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-03-05T23:06
※ 引述《FriDays (^_^)》之銘言: : 最近研究所快畢業了 在想將來要做什麼工作 我困擾很久了 : 所以索性直接問各位的意見 : 我大學唸機械 研究所唸光電 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-03-05T00:28
各位板上的大大你們好 最近研究所快畢業了 在想將來要做什麼工作 我困擾很久了 所以索性直接問各位的意見 我大學唸機械 研究所唸光電 但是我對� ...

揪團團報 PMP

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-03-04T22:13
well, I have no intention to fight or to insult anyone yeah, I am not experienced enough to give you the answer, anyone can give him an answer? PMP is just a certificate... for an expereicned PM, it ...

揪團團報 PMP

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-03-04T20:28
: 最後,祝福你順利拿到PMP,然後升官三級跳、加薪兩三倍囉~ :) It would be great if I will have pay rise :) Not sure it will happen but it is fun to study PMP knowledge...and ...

揪團團報 PMP

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-03-04T20:25
damn, computer problem, I cannot type in Chinese... Please forgive me that I have to type in English. Actually, PMP knowledge (PMBOX) does teach you what aspects you need to pay attention when dealing ...