Re: [北美 Opt up to 29 months? - 海外工作

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-04-05T07:28

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發信人: sixthday (魏晉風流如夢吟,才情武功第一人), 信區: JobHunting
標 題: 查找你的專業是否STEM的權威網站,大家自己去查吧
發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Fri Apr 4 16:46:30 2008)

Note: 這只是Interm rule. 專業有可能在以後會增加或者減少

到下面的連接去查到你自己專業的 code

然後看看是不是在這個範圍裏面(注意最後一點的 exception, 並不是 xxxx 代表所有)

DC: U.S. To be eligible for the 17-month OPT extension, a student must have
received a degree in the following:

Actuarial Science. NCES CIP Code 52.1304

Computer Science: NCES CIP Codes 11.xxxx (except Data EntryMicrocomputer
Applications, NCES CIP Codes 11.06xx )

Engineering: NCES CIP Codes 14.xxxx

Engineering Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 15.xxxx

Biological and Biomedical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 26.xxxx

Mathematics and Statistics: NCES CIP Codes 27.xxxx

8 Military Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 29.xxxx

Physical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 40.xxxx

Science Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 41.xxxx

Medical Scientist (MS, PhD): NCES CIP Code 51.1401


"Note that catch-all NCES CIP codes ending in "99" are not considered STEM
designated degrees"


All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-04-09T04:18
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-04-09T07:15
學商的是不是也無關啊? 國貿
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-04-13T22:01
我也是51類的,可是後四碼不一樣 @@

Re: [北美 Opt up to 29 months?

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-04-05T07:19
大部分人應該都是屬於 * Post-completion OPT: An F-1 student may be authorized to participate in post-completion OPT upon completion of studies. The post-completion OPT must be directly ...

Re: [北美 Opt up to 29 months?

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-04-05T02:19
※ 引述《mno3195 (Alumni)》之銘言: : 網上看來的 : 近期有可能實施嗎? : 似乎想留住國際學生? 號外!號外! 剛剛AILA收到的DHS新聞稿! http://aila. ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-04-04T12:02
先換成美元再匯出 另外手續費有三道: 1. 匯款行 2. 中間行 3. 收款行 1andamp;3都可以打電話問 2就很難說了,可以問,但有些匯款行的行員自己也不清楚 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-04-03T14:42
※ 引述《deuter (Harold)》之銘言: : 如果仔細翻公司的 handbook 一定都會有規定公司電腦只能用於公務 : 不過只要不是色情網站, 一般公司大概都不太管吧 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-04-03T00:03
呃不知道在這邊問適不適合 有哪位前輩知道F1的維修人員都是用什麼管道進去工作的呢 謝謝 --