Re: 想問幾個問題 - 人資

By Faithe
at 2007-11-27T22:28
at 2007-11-27T22:28
Table of Contents
※ 引述《cathyyau (在世界中心呼喊愛~~~錢)》之銘言:
: 就老師出了幾個題目
: 我完全看不懂= =
: 可以幫我解釋嗎?
: 1.that you have just been assigned the task of winning the business of our
: competition’s biggest client. How would you proceed?”
: a. situational
: b. behavioral
: c. stress
: d. puzzle
: e. directive
My Answer:B (因為應該是要受試者實際執行一個任務,比較偏向行為)
: 2.What type of interview might include the following statement? “Imagine
: A job-related interview is, by definition, as type of _____ interview.
: a. structured
: b. behavioral
: c. situational
: d. unstructured
: e. stress
My Answer:C (希望受試者想像某一種工作相關的情況,告知處理方式,比較偏向情境面談)
: 3.15. Which of the following is not an advantage of programmed learning?
: a. reduction in training time 對訓練時間的減少
: b. facilitation of learning 學習容易
: c. reduced feeling of risk on the part of the learner
: d. learning similar to that with textbook
: e. immediate feedback provided
My answer:A (programmed learning強調的是學員能夠自己安排進度自主學習,用刪去法
: 就這3題 答不出來
: 就老師出了幾個題目
: 我完全看不懂= =
: 可以幫我解釋嗎?
: 1.that you have just been assigned the task of winning the business of our
: competition’s biggest client. How would you proceed?”
: a. situational
: b. behavioral
: c. stress
: d. puzzle
: e. directive
My Answer:B (因為應該是要受試者實際執行一個任務,比較偏向行為)
: 2.What type of interview might include the following statement? “Imagine
: A job-related interview is, by definition, as type of _____ interview.
: a. structured
: b. behavioral
: c. situational
: d. unstructured
: e. stress
My Answer:C (希望受試者想像某一種工作相關的情況,告知處理方式,比較偏向情境面談)
: 3.15. Which of the following is not an advantage of programmed learning?
: a. reduction in training time 對訓練時間的減少
: b. facilitation of learning 學習容易
: c. reduced feeling of risk on the part of the learner
: d. learning similar to that with textbook
: e. immediate feedback provided
My answer:A (programmed learning強調的是學員能夠自己安排進度自主學習,用刪去法
: 就這3題 答不出來
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