Research Tech position at MSKCC, NY - 海外工作

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2021-09-01T09:53

Table of Contents

A Research Technician position is available at the Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center in New York for highly motivated individuals interested in
studying the molecular mechanisms of cell death and their implications in
tumorigenesis and cancer therapy(

Applicants should hold a Master’s degree and have a strong background in
mouse genetics and molecular/cellular biology.

Minimum two-year commitment. The annual salaries range from $45,000 to $55,000
USD based on qualifications. We will assist you with green card application
after three years.

Full applications including curriculum vitae and a list of three references
should be submitted through [email protected] to: Emily Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.,
Member & Professor, Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, NY 10065, USA


All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-09-03T13:29
於五年內才有身份…付完房租不知道還剩多少@@ 而且應該是O

高收入又開了傳統IRA 如何處理

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2021-08-28T18:18
大家好 自己的狀況是預計2021收入會超過美金75,000, 僱主也有退休金計劃(非401K, 是profit sharing ), 今年我開了傳統IRA 並存入3,000 多元的錢,尚未抵減2021 所得稅,剛研究 一下才發現,這樣的條件不能抵稅的,以下有幾點問題請教 1. 除了不能抵稅,開設這帳戶並 ...

徵數位IC design

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2021-08-26T05:26
公司 Marvell 地點 Santa Clara 組裡要徵一個RTL designer,我們組是作SSD相關IP 適合剛畢業或3年以下經驗 需要有合法工作身分 有興趣的話站內信我再將公司的信箱給你~ 謝謝大家 - ...

Hiring Manufacturing Engineer @Fremont 94538

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-08-25T01:48
※ [本文轉錄自 SanFrancisco 看板 #1X9I-j2R ] 作者: waynelee (Wayne Lee) 看板: SanFrancisco 標題: [工作] Hiring Manufacturing Engineer atFremont 時間: Wed Aug 25 01:43:06 20 ...

[活動資訊]外文系到上海 美商科技公司擔任技術

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-08-10T12:29 andlt;免費職涯講座活動andgt; 交大外文畢業到海外工作?文組學生也能進入科技業? ♀ 聽到查理大家一定都不陌生,經常在 Instagram 上分享 #科技新知、 #外商求職 等各種主題的查理,每篇文章的含金 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2021-07-28T09:41
如題,因為公司有在香港聘請當地員工 想請問香港的病假是怎麼扣薪的嗎? (目前請的員工都是持續契約、且有滿三個月應該已經有累積到有薪病假的權利了) 請問他們是不是就是病假有證明就給4/5日薪,等同於只扣1/5日薪? 想問香港的法規,以及大部分香港的公司都是怎麼扣的(會不會優於法規之類)? 有在香港工作 ...