Robert Walters代徵Account/project manager - 加班

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-08-31T17:26

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公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填):Robert Walters, 53546368
公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市信義區松智路1號10樓

Position: Account/project manager
Location: Xinyi district

Based at our expanding office in Taiwan, you will form part of a dynamic and forward thinking team providing the link between the company and its Operators in Asia Region.

Main tasks include:
-Supporting the Sales Team in analyzing and resolving technical questions concerning Operator’s needs
-Education of new operators, on-site/off site, with matters relating to system set-up and go-live procedures
-Production and maintenance of all documentation aspects of Business- -Operator communication, both internal and external
-Coordinate product launches and upgrades between Operators and Software Solutions Project Managers, world-wide
-Hold routine conference calls and face to face meetings with operators

Main requirements include:
-Degree Level IT or similar
-At least three years of work experience
-Good English speaking ability
-Solid background in a sales/ customer service environment, where accurately managing customer expectations is paramount
-A good understanding of the online/internet market and the essential drivers of product

Salary: 1.1-1.5M, depending on related experience

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否
加班費制度: 比照勞基法

人資或徵才聯絡方式: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company.
Dir: +886 2 8758 0706
E-mail: [email protected]

Also welcome to refer any of your friends who might be interested in this role. We will provide NTD10,000 referral fee for each successful placement. : )

Tags: 加班

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Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-08-31T13:44
各位同志大家好 小弟最近想轉職 面了一家竹科外商 聽起來很潮很想去 但聽說這部門可能很常加班 想請問各位前輩 一個月加滿46小時是什麼感覺? - ...

長期出差大陸 家庭失合?

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-08-31T10:19
工作就是這樣 你不做,會有更年輕更便宜的人來做 不過上有政策下有對策 出差6個月也真的很誇張吧 要不要跟律師聊聊 看有沒有什麼外快可以賺 不過應該是要跟長官溝通好吧 不要一聲不吭只會在批踢踢碎唸 這樣子到哪裡去都會很辛苦 我覺得台灣人儒家思想迫害很深 時間到了打卡下班天經地義, 公司負責人一定都知道規則怎麼玩 有時看到原原PO的文章還是不禁想笑一下 是不是菜到爆了才會被凹6 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2017-08-31T08:26
藉此主題提出見解及請教 小弟本身也是本科國立文科非電類 35歲才去職訓局 36歲出來去五人以下小公司待了一年領差不多22K/月的工作 曾經一個月狂加班 幾乎每天加到十點 那個月只休了一或二天 當月加上加班費結算下來 也只領了3萬6 還不說工作環境都是髒、熱、危險的所謂3K工作 一年後找到了一間算電子業的FAE工作 原本以為資深同事都是頭角崢嶸的角色 結果技能比我還差上許多 進公司的時 ...

Offer 太陽能/肉鬆

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2017-08-30T17:52
新鮮人國立資管碩 想請問該如何做選擇? 太陽能 肉鬆店 職位 資訊工程師 伺服器工程師 地點 新竹 桃園 薪水 (N-5)*14 (N-5)*14 不加班 需加班(可報加班費) 住 有宿舍(2K) 租房(6K) 肉鬆福利好像比較優,可是需 ...

Robert Walters代徵Strategic Alliance Manager

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-08-30T10:29
公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填):Robert Walters, 53546368 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市信義區松智路1號10樓 職缺: Strategic Alliance Manager Key responsibilities: - Develops and implements strategic sales plans to accommodate corpora ...