Robert Walters代徵IT Support Engineer - 加班

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-05-21T15:54

Table of Contents

公司名稱:Robert Walters

實際徵才公司:Daimler Taiwan
職缺:IT Support Engineer

Job Description:
1. IT helpdesk
· Daily problem fixing and ability to advise users the best solution
· Windows system settings according to the specific user needs and Daimler policy (Java, firewall configuration)
· Network/telephony problem fixing
· Other IT equipment (laptops, printers) settings and problem fixing
· Provide basic training to the users about the IT equipment

2. IT infrastructure organizing

· Plan and coordinate the implementation and actualization of new systems and provide guidance to staff within the organization
· Network and bandwidth adjustments
· Workstation preparation and system installation for the new users

3. Oversee purchasing and licensing of hardware/software

· Plan purchases of technological equipment and software and establish partnerships with IT providers
· Oversee the technological infrastructure (networks and computer systems) in the organization to ensure optimal performance
· Oversee technology purchases

4. IT infrastructure maintenance

· Backup solution
· Servers maintenance
· IT room management
· Business continuity and emergency planning

· Minimum 5 years of experience in IT helpdesk/IT infrastructure
· IT hardware general knowledge
· Server management knowledge
· Windows system administration experience
· MSCA or other Microsoft Certificate would be a plus

Specific knowledge:
· Fluent in English and Mandarin with reading & writing in traditional Chinese
· High degree of customer orientation, team spirit and motivation
· Understand current technology and trend of future technology
· Able to communicate with local and regional team effectively
· ITIL know-how
· Hands-on attitude
· Proactive and solution seeker
· Communicative, cooperative and good team player

Working hours: 9am - 6pm, 5 days a week
Annual salary: 1M - 1.2M depending on the related experience

Contact information: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company.
Dir: +886 2 8758 0706
E-mail: [email protected]

Tags: 加班

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Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-05-21T14:43
小弟國立地名碩士,在傳產當IT約3年,總年資:4年多 職缺:雲端軟體工程師 地點:新竹縣湖口鄉中華路15-1號 (新竹工業區) 由於現在職缺含加班約46~48K,且住家裡 爬文得知正文薪資約5萬上下,但需租屋,感覺沒必要跳 當初已經告知沒興趣,但是面試通知一直發來,想說問一 下版上前輩,這職缺錢景如何? 謝謝 - ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-05-21T13:11
發現自己原來沒有對象願意跟自己共度餘生, 也不想生下小孩來面對殘酷的大環境, 房子不用買了,自然不用成為建商的奴隸,也不用當社畜, 一個人的生活如果不用背房貸,年收一百以下綽綽有餘, gg錢賺很多沒錯,但花在自己身上的又有多少? 每天被老闆幹還不是摸摸鼻子繼續無償加班, 心想:家有妻小,還有20年房貸,只能當個忍者 說了這麼多,跪求gg內推! ----- Sent from JPT ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-05-21T00:03
首先感謝此版的版友,透過站內信與我分享面試概況與工作內容,因此決定回饋給大家 前提,國立科大學士,由於年近30,沒有好好培養之前的工作經驗 導致現在要轉職都碰壁,收到無聲卡,感到非常灰心 後來在某次同學會中得知,有位116碩畢的同學在台GG當設備工程師2年多 發現自己不該再猶豫不決了,於是就決定去做科技業做設備工程師了 1. 公司: 台耘 職位: 機械品管工程師 過程: 做靜電集塵器的保養與 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-05-20T22:28
小妹我目前人在職想轉換環境,近期有到精材面試(切割製程), 比原公司多7K,但好像 不能報加班,不知這地方適合待嗎?有沒有前輩能指點一下。 - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-05-20T11:10
※ 引述《papa20401 (池池)》之銘言: : 各位好 : 跟各位前輩分享這間公司 : 公司是在做承包layout project的layout house : 本人是非本科系畢業,有兩年非科技業工作經驗 : 最近跳到科技業想從layout下手,一開始以為幸運的找到一家願意教導新人的公司 : 但最後卻讓我無言以對...... : 報到那一天才跟我說,前兩個禮拜不支薪,因為算是職前訓練 : 三 ...