Robert Walters代徵senior IT Specialist - 加班

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2017-05-25T14:21

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公司名稱:Robert Walters

實際徵才公司:MNC Pharmaceutical Taiwan
工作地點:Daan district
職缺:Senior IT Specialist

Key responsibilities:
· Lead new IT infrastructure/security application roll-out projects.
· Support all facet of IT Infrastructure including PCs, voice, network, server, printer, fax, mobile devices… etc. by working with local, regional, global vendors and internal support teams.
· Manage SLA, service quality of helpdesk, and other support teams.
· Ensure quality on-boarding/off-boarding processes related to IT.
· Manage IT assets with updated records for any asset assignment changes.
· Maintain external/internal communications websites.
· Support digital marketing solutions like eDetailing, survey solutions, and so on.
· Provide training for IT services or applications when needed.
· Assist application test in some application projects.
· Work cooperatively with technical personnel in other divisions and functions to accomplish enterprise-wide goals.

- Bachelor (or above) degree in MIS, Computer Science, or related fields including 3-5 years working experience mainly for infrastructure and application support in MNCs.
- Business level English(minimum and mandatory)
- Ability to understand technical concepts and technologies and work independently and collaboratively.
- Extensive skills in PC and mobile device (iOS, Android) support, both hardware and software to deliver customer oriented IT services.
- Operation skills of Microsoft infrastructure such as AD, Group Policies, and etc.
- Experience with Cisco network infrastructure.
- Knowledge of web collaboration solutions like SharePoint with basic HTML knowledge to be able to maintain intranet websites for newsletters.
- Ability and willing to understand basics of business process and business application.
- Experiences with digital marketing solutions like eDetailing, survey solutions will be a plus.
- Project management experiences are preferred.

Working hours: 9am - 6pm, 5 days a week
Annual salary: 1M including performance bonus

Contact information: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company.
Dir: +886 2 8758 0706
E-mail: [email protected]
(After receiving CVs, we will contact suitable candidates)

Tags: 加班

All Comments


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-05-25T07:17
※ 引述《maninpower (馬寧炮兒)》之銘言: : 各位年薪300M的前輩們好 : 小弟四大機械碩畢 約有8個月工作經驗 : 最近拿到緯創offer : 工作內容 NB機構(BU1) : 薪水 N+2K : 工時 據說12↑ : 加班費 加多少報多少 : 出差 5~6個月/年 出差費平日20鎂 假日30鎂 : 地點 汐止 : 住宿 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-05-25T02:27
各位年薪300M的前輩們好 小弟四大機械碩畢 約有8個月工作經驗 最近拿到緯創offer 工作內容 NB機構(BU1) 薪水 N+2K 工時 據說12↑ 加班費 加多少報多少 出差 5~6個月/年 出差費平日20鎂 假日30鎂 地點 汐止 住宿 租屋 想請問內部的風氣、主管的管理方式如何 有人說機構選緯創就對了 ...

南科傳工安意外 工程師遭機台輾頭亡

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-05-25T00:57
(原文吃光光,原文事件是考古式,不是近期事件) 我的經歷算是工安擦邊 我讀環工的,只是工作關係會接觸到也有興趣, 就自己去上課考照,手上乙安、甲級空水廢 (其他哩哩拉紮的牌就不講了) 正是各位產線上常講的工安環保單位的負產值、愛找麻煩的米蟲~~~ 正在上甲安甲衛的課,上完等滿資格應該會去考 就我回文部分回一下 : → frank79530: 工安沒那麼好幹 歡迎新血加入見見世面 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-05-24T23:14
今天同事在問 假日加班算是義務嗎? 先說明 假日加班 星期六依照勞基法有給加班費 星期日有補休 需要假日加班輪值是因為 機台需要有人看著 不能讓它當掉~~ 主管的出發點是整條生產線是我們負責的 所以他說這是我們的義務要維持到出廠為止 產品都是ok的 因此他認為我們都應該要加入輪值 但輪到你 你不想輪值可以找人代理 不強迫 但是要排入輪值表內 大家一起輪流 才算公平 但是同事說 因為他從來都沒 ...

義美 工程系統技術人員

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-05-24T22:00
最近收到此職缺面試邀約 想請問該職缺薪資大概是? 以及是否要常加班以及配合產線值班輪夜班呢? 謝謝 - ...