Senior iOS Developer - Faria - 工程師

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2013-09-13T22:16

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1ICnsd_K ]

作者: hSATAC (cAt Ash) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] Senior iOS Developer - Faria
時間: Fri Sep 13 22:13:55 2013

Senior iOS Developer


薪資範圍:NT$ 60,000 ~ NT$ 100,000,年薪可達 NT$ 1,000,000

Taipei City (六張犁捷運站附近)

Our goal is to recruit and retain craftsmen who are the best at what they do
— who are motivated to achieve results, have high standards of quality and
integrity, possess a flexible, dedicated spirit and want to develop their
full potential.

As a Faria iOS Developer, you will work with some of the best design and
product people in the industry to craft awesome features, create engaging
experiences and bring the best into every details.

Position requirements

- Passion for the user interface
- Experience working with UIKit and Core Animation
- Deep understanding of C and Objective-C
- Solid familiarity with the tools of the trade: XCode, Instruments, etc.
- Strong analytical and debugging skills
- Dedication to engineering excellence

The following skills are a plus

- Expertise in lldb, SQLite, DTrace, Core Data
- Advanced experience in making custom UI controls.

Why Faria?

Joining Team Faria means you will have the opportunity to participate in
ambitious, high-stakes technology development with global scale. We are
Formula One developers: we design, build, QA and launch at lightening speed
unlike any other company. We offer an exciting fast-paced environment, where
you will be free to unleash your creative potential in building a better

We offer:

- Excellent working conditions in a comfortable office in Taipei
- Apple hardware and ergonomic seating
- Annual paid vacation (12 days) and 100% covered sick leave
- Opportunities for self-development and advancement
- Company sponsored vacation and technical conferences
- We will be glad to welcome you to Team Faria – Formula One R&D!
Apply Information
Please send us your resume to [email protected]


All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-09-16T22:54
雖然重點是徵才 但這英文也錯太多了吧
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-09-20T11:01
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-09-22T20:31
是ihower耶…可惜沒開發過Object C啊…
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-09-23T22:55
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-09-28T06:47
不用一直嗆人家英文啦…這職缺應該打趴90%的software engine
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-10-03T04:30
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2013-10-07T11:49
其實英文不好可以打中文 或是請人看過
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-10-09T19:21
讀起來好卡 感覺沒文法概念==
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-10-10T05:44
謝謝各位指教,我們非常需要英文好的人 :)
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-10-10T20:25
抱歉 這老闆打的 老闆是美國人 我會請他英文加強點。
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-10-11T12:19


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-09-13T21:12
請問聯景光電選用人才的標準是什麼? 公司內部是以國立或甚至四大居多嗎? 還是一般私碩或私大也能夠進去呢? 懇請各位解惑 謝謝 --


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-09-13T18:22
想請問版上各位前輩 之前收到某半導體廠offer, 但因為簽約金談不攏, 以及人資後續並未回電等因素而拒絕了該offer。 但今天卻接到電話要求必須 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-09-13T16:48
幫朋友問一下~ 請問金寶的PM的出差頻率大概是多少?(ex一年幾次?一趟出去要多久?) 是CS部門 十分感謝!! --

請問從事Defect team的分析手法

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-09-13T10:03
defect team爽啊 只要會highlight製程andamp;設備 就OK KLA跟SEM進來在學就好 KLA: Scan整個wafer的表面 SEM: Review定位點 FIB做TEM切片 證據在哪裡 案子就辦到哪 大是�� ...

請問從事Defect team的分析手法

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-09-13T07:17
建議你可以先撈chart看correlation,可以by tool, by time, by lot, by process 等等的方式去找。如果有defect formation model 或是以前的經驗,就可以排出check 的 priority� ...