Summer Intern @ eBay Research Lab - 履歷

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-03-03T03:25

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然後想要follow up 確定大概狀況如何 請寫信給xnight
他人很nice 很害羞 而且他吃素
但是不要麻煩他做其他事情 例如要請他投其他部門或者怎樣


※ 引述《duer ()》之銘言:
: 強者我朋友又來徵才了 請直接寄信過去 謝謝
: eBay Research Labs, are hiring top notch summer interns!!! We are
: looking for people who are excited about bigs data, distributed
: computing, and building large scalable systems. eBay generates tens
: of terabytes of behavioral, transactional and other data and research
: algorithmic models are built over petabytes of data. If you love big
: data, eBay Research Labs is definitely the right place! During this
: summer, you will join us to build the next generation research and
: analytic platform to be used in eBay and the world, and work on
: interesting and challenges topics including but not limited to real
: time, continuous data and event streams and scalable and
: fault-tolerant systems. An Ideal candidate should have the following
: profile:
: * Master or PhD student.
: * Proficient in Java, C++ or C.
: * Experiences on large scale data processing framework, such as Hadoop.
: * Experiences with Pig, Hive, HBase is a plus
: * Experiences on designing and implementing distributed system with
: understanding of scaling and performance is a plus.
: * Strong oral and written communication skills.
: If you are interested in, please send your resume to
: [email protected].
: eBay Research Labs.

Tags: 履歷

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西非 迦納共和國 徵: 生產管理人員

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-03-01T23:16
大家好~我們公司又到這裡來徵才了~ 希望這次也能順利徵到合適的人選~ 祝大家求職順利, 出外工作平安健康!!! [非洲] 西非 迦納共和國 徵: 生產管理� ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-02-27T06:28
因為某些原因 想嘗試丟丟英國履歷 但有些不得其門而入 不知版友是否能介紹英國的求職網站呢? 感激! --

Toshiba 全球招募

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-02-26T17:54
趁著還有記憶的時候把一些要點紀錄下來。 東芝招募也行之有年了(今年第七屆),可是板上的資訊有些尚未更新, 僅以此表達對這陣子以來一直受惠 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-02-20T17:32
Champion International Corp Ltd. (HK) Champion International Corp Ltd. (昌盛國際股份有限公司) 是AML Group (昌利集團)下屬之子公司,專營塑膠、電子電器及家電產品。 � ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-02-20T00:00
Hi, 最近在丟履歷。看到requirements裡面有些公司會寫 and#34; Eligibility to work in the U.S without sponsorship and#34; 不知道這樣OPT算不算ok,感覺H1b就不行了? 爬 ...