Taipei Times徵Staff writer - 社工

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-11-19T19:23

Table of Contents

★機構名稱:Taipei Times

★職缺類別:Staff writer 新聞編譯





1. Excellent command of both oral and written English and Chinese
2. Colledge graduate
3. Experience in Chinese-to-English translation preferred
4. Knowledge of Taiwan's political scene
5. To apply for a work permit, non-Taiwanese applicants require 2 years of documented media experience or a master's degree

Please write "apply for POSITION, NAME" in the subject line and send an
English and Chinese resume and cover letter to [email protected] or
mail it to 14F, 399 Ruiguang Road, Neihu, Taipei 114; fax: (02) 2656-1067,
tel: (02) 2656-1000
We regret that only qualified candidates will be notified.


Tags: 社工

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高雄衛生局 徵 個管師與督導共8名

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-11-19T00:01
[轉錄] 高雄市政府衛生局徵毒品防治業務個案管理師暨個案督導 一、報考資格: 符合心理、諮商輔導、社工、護理、犯罪防治、公共衛生等科系(所)� ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2015-11-18T21:31
我在某區域醫院當醫務社工的新鮮人 首先沒主管,已經讓我在面對各單位時,就已經是戰戰兢兢、步步為營 從上頭最大的老闆,小到阿長,而甚至是�� ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2015-11-17T21:19
★機構名稱:台中市山線婦女中心(台中市基督教女青年會承辦) ★職缺類別:社工員 ★工作地點:台中市豐原區圓環北路一段355號4樓 ★工作時間:10 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2015-11-17T12:30
報名連結: 本次論壇盼能從學者理論與實務經驗雙軌並行的方式出發,一方面汲取國內外專家學者的 核心理論;另一方面以台灣 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-11-15T09:30
昨天去郵局辦保險,在填職業別時,櫃臺阿姨問:社工的職業屬於什麼?我:應該是服務 業吧!,但翻一翻郵局所製的職業別代碼手冊就是找不到,在� ...