Video Game Intern - 工程師

By Selena
at 2012-10-04T19:13
at 2012-10-04T19:13
Table of Contents
Company Profile
Roam & Wander studios is growing, and we have a spot open for an intern who
wants to get experience in the video game industry. If you're smart, creative,
and would like to get some entrepreneurial experience before you begin your
career in marketing, or program management, or before you start your own
company, keep reading.
● You love video games. You've spent thousands of hours playing iPhone games,
PC games, Nintendo, Xbox, PS3...and you can answer trivia about popular and
less popular Japanese, American, … games.
● Self-motivated. You don't wait to be told what to do, you figure out what
needs to be done. And you make it happen.
● Artistic. You have some skill as an illustrator, musician, artoonist,
● Smart. You're awesome at statistics. Or the psychology of marketing. Or
something interesting. And your friends would tell us, "yup, she's really
● Humble. Creating games is fun, and glamorous. Except when it's not glamorous.
You've got to be humble and do the simple but time-consumer stuff along with
the fun, exciting, glamorous stuff. The most senior and the least senior
people in our studio all go fetch coffee for each other.
● English. You don't need to write like Shakespeare, or give a speech like
Obama. But we use English and Chinese in the studio, and you will too.
Stuff you might work on
● Testing our games
● Creating our Facebook page. Managing our Facebook page.
● Managing our weekly game playtesting sessions in the studio with little kids
● Creating a Google Doc with information on the mommy bloggers and kids
websites and newspaper reporters with an interest in video games in Taiwan
● Ordering dinner for everyone when we're all working late in the studio
● Helping record and edit game voiceovers in a sound studio with professional
voice actors
● Walking around hot spots for our users in Taipei and Kaohsiung to survey
them on various topics
● Create concepts for flashmobs and other nontraditional marketing tactics to
help us raise awareness
● Buying equipment that we need
● Working with a printing studio to print custom t-shirts
● Searching for information on import certification, and filing out the forms
● Create concepts for new games
If you are interested in this job, please email to [email protected]
Tell us how awesome you are and why you fit in this position!!
All Comments

By Dinah
at 2012-10-07T12:00
at 2012-10-07T12:00

By Barb Cronin
at 2012-10-07T16:56
at 2012-10-07T16:56

By Oliver
at 2012-10-09T22:33
at 2012-10-09T22:33

By Bennie
at 2012-10-12T17:26
at 2012-10-12T17:26

By Franklin
at 2012-10-14T22:07
at 2012-10-14T22:07

By Joseph
at 2012-10-16T20:26
at 2012-10-16T20:26

By Odelette
at 2012-10-19T22:56
at 2012-10-19T22:56

By Ursula
at 2012-10-22T00:15
at 2012-10-22T00:15

By Erin
at 2012-10-24T11:50
at 2012-10-24T11:50

By Brianna
at 2012-10-25T12:49
at 2012-10-25T12:49
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