中國HR工作機會-國際招聘經理 - 美國

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-10-20T19:23

Table of Contents


Position title: Global Recruitment Manager
Working location: Shunde, China
Salary: Negotiable
Benefit: Housing/flight/children tuition allowance, shuttle bus to work
station. Public holiday of China, the company early summer week-off, a week
annual leave.

Job responsibilities:
1. Identifying and sourcing top talents by researching industry trends,
attending local conferences and events, networking, and promoting in-house
and campus referral programs
2. Developing interview guides for candidate assessment, conducting thorough
candidate assessment via phone or in-person interviews, and managing the
candidate experience by ensuring that candidates have a positive interaction
at all stages of the recruitment process
3. Building and maintaining a strong candidate pipeline by proactively
responding to the business needs
4. Managing relationships with headhunters
5. Creating and documenting detailed recruitment project plans, which
encompass timelines, strategies, cost, resources, and ROI of various
recruiting activities and efforts
6. Driving hiring through creative channels such as sponsored events, campus
recruiting, technical job boards and via social networks
7. Tracking critical recruitment data, producing regular and ad-hoc metrics
and reporting on recruiting activities, and update, annotate, and maintain
our applicant tracking system

Working experience and qualification required:
1. Due to the business strategy, the ideal candidate as Chinese returnee and
willing come back to China for career development required.
2. Degree or Master Degree in Human Resource Management from US universities
is a must.
3. At least 5 years working experiences in HRM (especially in recruitment)
and 3 years working experience in US preferred.
4. Be Familiar with different recruitment channels and process, and the
method of measuring in-house talents.


All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-10-21T23:04
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2016-10-22T14:17
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-10-27T08:28


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-10-14T07:05
常看到網路上說日本所得稅高 所以我好奇到底有多高,畢竟稅後所得才是更重要的 研究了一下 在板上搜尋所得稅關鍵字 看到有人貼了稅率表http://ww ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-10-13T20:50
想請問版上前輩 如果拿美國會計師執照到日本工作 不限四大 請問這樣個人履歷在日本能找到不錯的工作嗎? 另外爬了文 日本會計師執業似乎只認�� ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-10-13T08:49
申請送出後過了7個多月,方才簽證被準了,特上來給大家激厲一下,目前也是高興的不了得。 一年後準備考公民,聽說可以申請去美國的簽證,到時�� ...

Wealth Management 北美/歐洲

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-10-12T23:35
本人背景112會計學士,未來有想要朝稅務規劃這方面走。主要目標是能做tax planning 大概有詢問過事務所這方面,不過我想做的主要是family business那一塊( ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-10-12T02:28
綠卡持有者的配偶 無綠卡或公民身分 台灣工作的收入 配偶合報稅的時候 海外收入也要課稅嗎 ? 33%的稅很多耶 為什麼在台灣工作也要報美國的稅 .... ...