(代po)南亞塑膠美國南卡廠徵才(Lake City - offer

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2020-07-11T22:44

Table of Contents

Job Title: Entry- Level Project Engineer

Job Description:

1. Supervise contractors and monitor cost and quality levels of area.
2. Responsible for managing overall manufacturing activities in his or her are
3. Assist with the development of production schedules, purchasing requirement
s, and support
manufacturing and engineering programs and projects.
4. Make recommendations to upper management.
5. Provide support for higher members of management.

1. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
2. AutoCAD experience is preferred
3. Strong communication and multi-tasking skills
4. Demonstrate initiative and problem solving skills
5. Proficient in English and Mandarin
6. Must be authorized to work in the United States (OPT, H1B, Permanent Reside
nt, or US

Work Location: Lake City, SC

How to apply: Please email resume and transcript to [email protected] by Jul
y 31st, 2020

We offer competitive salary and benefits including medical/dental insurance, 4
01(k) match, pension, paid vacation and holidays.


All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2020-07-12T05:15
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2020-07-13T00:27
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2020-07-17T16:41
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2020-07-19T04:23
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2020-07-20T11:14
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2020-07-22T01:52
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2020-07-26T08:18
難怪linked上面有美國醫院的聯絡人加我, 以為是詐騙哩


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2020-07-10T09:32
Hi 大家好, 想請問現在美國找工作是不是很困難呢? 小弟在3月初原本有個工作機會,但疫情爆發後就無疾而終了。最近重新找,但網路上投 了一堆都� ...

YT PMM 和 Google PM 線上講座

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2020-07-07T09:15
大家好,先感謝上一篇頗熱絡的回應! 這星期四TST9AM/星期三PST6PM 在FB和INS有一個公開的線上講座 活動詳情: 來看看同樣來自台灣的Charlene和Kimmie如何� ...

美國蔡逼八工程師medicare,ss 預扣額問題

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2020-07-06T01:31
小弟我是現在紐約工作, 身份是F1-OPT第一年, 今年10月會轉成h1b, 2018年才來美國求學的 前陣子在看我的payroll的withholding突然有很多疑問 我看網路上說F1� ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2020-07-04T12:58
當美國簽證緊縮,英國脫歐,中歐也許是海外工作的另一個選擇 – 專訪匈牙利海外人 才 Jackie Yang 這篇分享希望對最近想要去海外工作,卻沒有方向的 ...

Motivation/ Cover Letter的五大常見錯誤

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2020-06-29T05:14
最近因為公司部門招募的關係,看了不少的Motivation Letter,也發現不少共同的錯誤 。Motivation Letter或許在台灣不太被重視,但在海外求職時,卻是蠻重要 ...