代PO機械工程師德州台塑下游Lolita,TX - 海外工作

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-06-02T07:23

Table of Contents

代PO 勿來信

機械工程師德州台塑下游 Lolita, TX


1. Evaluate material and develop machinery and processes to
manufacture materials that meet design performance requirements.

2. Design and direct the testing and/or control of processing

3. Monitor material performance and evaluate material deterioration.

4. Analyze product failure data in order to determine causes of
problems and develop solutions.

5. Perform equipment abnormal analysis and recommend corrective

6. Conduct engineering evaluation on performance of machinery used on
manufacturing process.

7. Work to solve problems arising during the manufacturing process or
with the finished product, such as those caused by daily wear and tear or a
change of environment.

8. Support manufacturing operations with technical advice,
troubleshooting, collaborative problem solving, disposition of product
deviations, manufacturing process reviews, and material engineering guidance
regarding requested improvements in material or processing.

9. Support the implementation of new technologies into product
specification applications.

10. Provide material engineering support for continuous improvements of
material and manufacturing processes.

Required Qualifications

1. B.S. degree in Metallurgy, Material Science or
Mechanical Engineering.

2. Good written and oral communication skills.

3. Demonstrated technical, operational and troubleshooting
ability in a manufacturing environment.

4. Demonstrated interpersonal skills.

5. Require US work availability, OPT acceptable.

Sponsor H1/PR

有興趣請寄email至 [email protected]


All Comments


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-05-27T18:54
有人應徵過越南牙刷工廠的嗎? --


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2015-05-26T12:17
網誌版:http://goo.gl/SKkfBb Facebook粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/DavidMexico190912 =====以下文字與部落格不同喔===== 因為是用寫部落格的口氣在寫部落格(好饒舌. ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-05-25T19:20
Mr.Dainty是一間新創公司於2013年在沙烏地阿拉伯利雅得成立 是專營台式麵包及珍珠奶茶和咖啡的複合式飲品麵包店 目前已有四間分店,有鑑於越來越大 ...

請問有在通用汽車Tech center的前輩嗎?

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-05-24T08:46
大家好 小弟第一次發文 今年一月剛進通用汽車工作(密西根) 所在的部門並無其他台灣人 所以想在這邊問看看 希望能多認識些同在異鄉打拼的有緣�� ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2015-05-21T07:00
謝謝大家的回應和建議,我做了一些功課, 自己回答自己的問題: 現階段以我們的case(年輕夫妻很少看病),用HDHP with HSA是最划算的, 因為每年公司contr ...