初次報稅問題請教 - 美國

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-02-01T17:19

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※ 引述《singingman (老人)》之銘言:
: 小弟去年六月從台灣拿L1來加州工作,老婆仍然留在台灣工作,尚未申請L2赴美生活.
: 因為今年要開始在美國報稅,爬文之後了解配偶是exemption不是dependent.
: 由於老婆以前在美國念書打工有申請了SSN,所以請教版上各位前輩我是否可以在今年
: 報稅的時候以稅務居民的身份用她的SSN報Married Jointly Filing?
Yes, you have to file a statement according to the following:

: 如果可以的話,老婆是不是也要把台灣的收入向美國一起報稅?
Yes, if you claim your nonresident spouse as resident, her worldwide
income for the entire year needs to be included on 1040 with you.
You are both subject to FBAR (form 114) reporting too.

: 她的台灣收入是否有tax credit可以抵免呢?
Yes, however, you may take foreign earned income exclusion concurrently.
Normal case is the entire foreign earned income is excluded so no foreign
tax can be applied.

: 另外我在去年六月前有到美國出差50天,relocate前的台灣收入是否需向美國繳稅呢?
: 希望各位有經驗的前輩們能給小弟一些意見或建議,謝謝各位.
Yes, you have to include your worldwide income for the entire year too.

There is another option for situation like yours - do a "dual-status" in
which you are treated as resident only for the part you're in the US.
Therefore you only report your worldwide income during the time you are in
the US. You cannot file jointly with your wife but may claim her exemption
on your tax return.

I suggest you calculate both situations and see which one is more favorable.

Tags: 美國

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-02-04T05:48

經驗分享 法國 巴黎

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-01-31T04:19
這個世界很大 我的世界很小 但仍想要分享我的小世界 給其他人看見另一個世界 也給有一樣的夢的人 一些鼓勵 一些參考 -- 前情提要 -- 我從小就很討 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-01-30T18:32
推文好像有點麻煩, 直接回文好了 您說: 1. 台灣的健保和勞保肯定會漲的 2. 你付出的稅和社會保險有它的價值。比如失業保險給付、慷慨的育兒津貼等 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-01-28T13:02
小弟爬了一些文 了解opt每個學位只能申請一次 問題來了: 我目前在美國念的是學士加碩士的program(在學中) 假設我畢業後用opt工作一年 然後回台灣當� ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2016-01-28T06:58
我到歐洲的時間不算長,連讀書將近六年 也不是資訊業,是商管背景 在前公司的時候也有在不同國家找人過 基本上歐洲經濟情況不好,沒經驗又沒身� ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-01-27T08:33
在德國就業一年半了,到底這裡的薪資水準如何,生活如何, 能存下多少錢,大致跟大家分享一下 先打預防針,以資訊業來說,歐洲名目薪資確實的�� ...