剛看到Glassdoor有假的面試經驗分享 - 面試

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-09-11T11:30

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像一些求職面試經驗網站,glassdoor、career cup、top coder分享的面試題目往往都對很多人有不少幫助,



Software Engineer Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY

Application Details

I applied online. The process took 4 weeks - interviewed at Google in August 2014.

Interview Details

My interview and hiring process was extremely tiring but satisfactory. I dropped
out of college and cancelled my plans to study in an university because I wasn't
learning anything there. I studied and mastered computer science alone at home
within 2 months. Although I am just 19, I decided to apply for Google and I
wouldn't care if I got rejected really. I applied online and quite suprisingly;
they replied back the next day to set-up an phone interview. They asked a few
question and then told me "Alright, we'll call you again next week." And when
they did that the next week, they invited me for an on-site interview. I met some
interesting people there, and most of them were amazed due to the fact that I
dropped out of college but had the abilities and in-depth knowledge of a Harvard-
graduate software engineer, also because I am just 19. Some guy named Paul came
to me and asked me a brain-teasing question about algorithms and I gave him back
a cheesy, but informative answer and he told me "You're probably going to get

During the on-site interview, they asked me long questions and gave me difficult
tests/tasks on:
1. Recursions
2. Dynamic Programming
3. Graphs
4. Data Structures
5. Problem-solving query test
6. Array and Tree
7. Computer architecture (binary search, low level enhancement...etc)

They gave me some stuff related to graphs and recursion to build over, it was
mind-boggling like hell. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I like
challenges, and Google managed to give me those....a LOT of those.

The interviewer's name was Caleb, and he said that I fulfill the criteria of a
Google software engineer, and thus; they hired me immediately. Caleb was a fun
person, I enjoyed being interviewed by him. He also said that I am the YOUNGEST
software engineer in the history of Google, I felt really proud at that time.
He gave me lots of compliments after the interview like "You're an exceptional
person" - Google interviewers are extremely nice and respectful, you don't need
to be nervous around them.

Interview Questions

You dropped out of college, and you're just 19. Do you think you can handle
Google at this age?
I can't handle your question but Google? I sure can.

Negotiation Details

Tiring but satisfactory. I negotiated a $190,000 per-year salary and an $5k
starter bonus.

1. 幹嘛說自己程度堪比哈佛畢業的軟體工程師,要是我要吹的話我會說我程度堪比MIT畢業的
2. 我不懂Computer architecture,但是binary search 明明就是演算法。
3. Google面試到最後的過程通常如下:
(1) 收面試官的評價,送交招募委員會,委員會跟面試官好像是不同一群人。
(2) 招募委員會通過的話,要選加入哪個團隊,不過好像有些人是先發錄取通知後再選。
(3) 不論什麼時候選團隊,招募委員會之後都要送執行委員會過了才有可能發錄取通知。
(4) 據說每個面試官都不知道別的面試官的評分,所以沒可能誰可以直接做決定。
4. 本薪19萬無任何股票,你19歲所以給19萬是嗎?這些矽谷的公司基本上都是同職等本薪差


All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-09-12T13:26
很假, onsite 問題大都是 white board coding ,一般也不會
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-09-15T16:18
有 brain-teasing 的問題,然後 interview 後還得等每週
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-09-19T02:09
hiring committee 開會才能決定,再送上去批
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2014-09-19T16:38
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2014-09-22T07:25
可能是因為如果不一開始用.edu email註冊的話 Glassdoor
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-09-26T20:45
瞎掰寫這麼多也很強 XD
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2014-09-27T23:44
感覺跟mall ninja很像
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-09-28T15:41
還滿唬爛的啊 19 歲的 harvard dropout
是想說自己是 suckerberg 就對了
順便借這個標題問一下 G 公司 onsite 第二天第三天
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2014-10-02T03:13
就拿到 offer 並且 background check 是有可能的嗎?
有某人跟我說他拿到 G offer 但後來不去
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-10-03T17:25
我覺得有點小唬爛 onsite 後還要 committe 決定等等
至少要花個數天至一周吧 難到不是這樣?
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-10-06T08:35
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-10-07T21:44
我G公司onsite完八個月才拿到offer :/
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-10-09T17:01

杜拜 阿拉伯工作問題

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-09-10T23:17
每個月25K台幣+每年一個月假,聽起來很類似中東企業雇用"Easterner" 所開的條件。Easterner指的是從印度、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、孟加拉、菲 律賓�� ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-09-07T17:53
※ 引述《skhua (海盜的弟弟)》之銘言: : 順著這個話題, 我想請問一個問題, 不知道有沒有人瞭解. : 我知道台灣的學歷對找美國CS的工作幫助不大, 但本�� ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2014-09-05T14:22
Hi 大家好, 我是在Google作軟體工程師的Scan~ 我也不知道這要給什麼topic, 最近我有些朋友問我要怎樣找到美國軟體工程師 或是Research的工作或是實習 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2014-09-01T05:46
※ 引述《roamerG (roamerG)》之銘言: : 大家好,我是今年要開始念大一的學生。 : 由於上的科系是電資領域,科技版上又充斥著各種爆肝,低薪資,台灣�� ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2014-09-01T01:42
剛剛有推文 不過來寫詳細一點好了 以下純粹我個人意見 不一定準 我的觀察也僅限於 SF 灣區 CS 公司 先講美國 CS 夢好了 首先我覺得妳要確認一下自己� ...