可以請各位大大給我的CV和cover letterꐠ… - 大陸工作

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-03-03T07:45

Table of Contents

: Dear Human Resource Administrator,
: Please allow me to introduce myself as XXX, an applicant for the summer intern
: in the Greater China offices of Bain & Company. I learned of the opportunity
: through the BBS, and feel my qualifications are a good match for the
: responsibilities of the position.

以下這段改成條列式, summary of your qualification
: As you can see from my resume, I had data collecting, data analysis, and
: interviewing experience both at Idobro, a marketing firm based in Mumbai,
: and Bank of Communications. As marketing intern for Idobro, I was responsible
: for customer profiling. I interviewed 20 Idobro's customers and did the survey
: . I also analyzed the data through SPSS software and presented the findings to
: my Indian boss. As personal banking intern for Bank of Communications, I
: collected the data of competitors and consumers. I also interviewed the
: account managers at different sub-branches of Bank of Communications and
: presented a fund market report to personal banking team.
: In addition to my overseas internship experience in Taipei, Shanghai, and
: Mumbai, I have both engineering and business backgrounds. I also have
: worked as an intern in 5 different industries in the past six years including
: consumer electronics industry, publishing industry, headhunting industry,
: financial sector, and social sector.
: As a result of these experiences, I am confident I can be of value to your
: company. Please feel free to contact me. There is no problem for me to have
: an interview in Shanghai. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

建議放個objective, 指出你要申請的職位

然後接下來可以放summary of your application
列出幾點突出的經驗或個性 特別適合要申請的這份職位

: Education
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------          
: National Chengchi University
: Candidate for MBA, June 2011, GPA: 4.0, Taiwan 2009.9-2011.6
: National Chiao Tung University,
: B.S in Electrical and Control Engineering, GPA: 3.7, Taiwan 2004.9-2008.6

: Work Experience
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------          
: Idobro Media and Marketing Services Ltd.,
: Marketing Intern Mumbai, India 2010.1-2010.3
: *Coordinated the project of member profiling in which I visited 20 members
: of Idobro in 3 weeks and did the survey
: *Analyzed the survey through the use of SPSS software and accomplished a
: customer analysis report
: *Assisted an Idobro's member in exporting mushrooms to Taiwan and China
: including collecting Chinese importers' contact information and sending
: sales letters to them
: Ping An Bank,
: Retail Banking Intern Shanghai, China 2009.8-2009.9
: *Elected as a 4-individual team leader and set up the weekly sales goal
: *Sold 50 debit cards, 15 credit cards, and generated over RMB 400,000 deposits
: through cross-selling
: *Organized 3 community marketing activities and built relationships with
: nearby stores, resulting in the increase of two new accounts
: Bank of Communications,
: Personal Banking Summer Intern Shanghai, China 2009.7-2009.8
: *Acted as a team leader and led 5 interns to conduct a Chinese fund market
: research
: *Completed a report including the analysis of market, competitors, and
: consumers through the use of field investigation, interviews, and surveys
: *Presented a sales process improvement proposal and the suggestion was adopted by senior managers
: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.,
: Campus Executive Officer Taipei, Taiwan 2005.6-2006.6
: *Organized over 5 campus activities and over 300 students attended the
: campus speeches, 500 computers was sold through the campus group purchase
: project

: Project Experience          
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: LOREAL Taiwan,
: Campus Project Manager Sinjhu, Taiwan 2005.9-2005.11
: *Acted as a AIESEC & LOREAL campus project manager, led 4 people to
: coordinate marketing activities in NCTU to promote Loreal E-Strat competition
: which results a 57% increase in enrollments
: Extracurricular Activities              
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: CTLC local committee, Vice President of Finance, 2004.9-2007.6
: *Managed a budget of 50,000 NT dollars and improved the process of payment
: from 45 days to 30 days
: Toastmaster Club, Citi Bank local committee 2009.9-present
: *Delivered two English public speeches and influenced one person to
: join the club

最後可以加上reference list
available upon request 之類的


All Comments

可以請各位大大給我的CV和cover letter一些建議嗎

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-03-03T01:48
各位大大好 之前在板上曾經PO過文 也得到了很多寶貴的建議 因為覺得台灣機會真的好少 所以想加入大陸暑期實習大軍的行列 雖然我沒有任何五百強,� ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-03-02T23:45
◎帳  號:nldwgpihs ◎暱  稱:茗情 ◎性  別:男 ◎生  日:1979.2.20 ◎台灣居所:嘉義 ◎登陸日期:2008.3 ◇大陸住所:東莞 萬江 ◇公� ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-03-02T23:24
◎帳  號:jimchein ◎暱  稱:小怪 ◎性  別:♂ ◎生  日:1978/04/23 ◎台灣居所:嘉義 ◎登陸日期:2009/08 ◇大陸住所:深圳市寶安區松 ...

一部攸關您我未來的紀錄片: 陳文茜製꜠…

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-03-02T21:17
以前研究所就搞過這個.. 說真的只有一句話可以說明這種議題.....別吵啦~我孫子都沒煩惱.. 氣候本來就一直在變化~至於是不是二氧化碳.只能說 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-03-02T17:52
◎帳  號:xanthous ◎暱  稱:小宇(只有在大陸被這樣叫..) ◎性  別: ◎生  日:1984 ◎台灣居所:台北 ◎登陸日期:20100301 ◇大陸住所� ...