台塑德州廠技術部門 誠徵研發工程師 - 海外工作

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-03-09T12:15

Table of Contents

Location: Business and Technology Department at Formosa Plastics
Corporation, TX, USA

Application time: 3/9/2018-3/16/2018

Starting date of this position: No later than 5/1/2018

Requirement: Must be US citizen or Green Card.

Education: Ph.D. in Polymer Science, Materials Science,
Chemical Engineering, Chemistry or closely related field.

Previous Related Experience Required: At least 3-5 years of polymer experience,
preferably in polyolefins with
experience conducting research in a
laboratory setting.
A strong background in polymer
chemistry, structure-property
relationships, polymer processing and
additive formulations.

Technical Skills Required: (1) Background in Polymer Chemistry and Catalysis.
(2) In-depth knowledge of polymer structure-
property relationship.
(3) Background in polymer processing and additives
(4) Knowledge in polymer fabrication processes
and manufactruing operations.

Contact person: Dr. Lee

Please send your resume to [email protected]

We will contact you directly before 3/20/2018 if you are qualified

for a phone interview.



All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2018-03-12T09:27
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-03-13T11:33
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-03-14T16:30
別這麼說 夫妻兩人做五年可以超過250k
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-03-16T19:31

Data Entry (Entry Level)

George avatar
By George
at 2018-03-08T06:06
New York (Queens, College point) Precision Gear INC. Data Entry Job Description ‧ Data Entry ‧ Download open sales orders and delivery schedules ‧ Update sales order backlog ‧ ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-03-08T00:23
第一次拿到德國實習,三個月,月薪500歐 工作內容偏 Data analysis 中的 NLP,用爬蟲抓資料、整理/分析資料 本來是想做完實習後直接在德國找正職的 但�� ...

加拿大Richmond 徵銷售人員

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-03-07T14:06
工作介紹: 內衣/睡衣店 地點: Richmond Aberdeen Centre 2F 列治文時代坊 兼職時薪: Cad 11.5 (試用期1-2個月,試用期過 時薪+銷售業績2%) 上班時間: 周日-周三 11 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2018-03-04T22:12
各位大家好 先說說想跟大家請益的事情,本身在半導體做了五年多的製程 一直想換跑道,到外商,但英文實在是.......不被外商青睞 最近獲得一份新加坡G ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-03-03T14:26
想請問版上有沒有在國外從事視覺平面設計 或者設計助理、美編等相關設計職業的前輩 之後有規劃在台磨練一兩年之後想到國外發展 但不曉得國外工� ...