台灣創科徵supply chain manager - 工程師

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-01-02T17:37

Table of Contents

Techtronic Group Company (台灣創科)

Supply Chain Manager (location: Taichung)

Key Responsibilities:
- Coordinate with intercompany on demand forecasting, ordering and supply to
fulfill customer needs.

- Handle and monitor the daily activities at suppliers site of purchasing, in
ventory control, shipping/receiving and logistic to ensure uninterrupted suppl
y of goods to customers.

- Liaising with overseas offices to communicate supply chain issues, resoluti
ons & updates.

- Support New Project Development program, follow up NPD orders and deliverie
s to meet new products launch.

- Identify delivery risk up front and resolution to ensure on time delivery

- In depth suppliers manufacturing processes, tooling, machining and resource
capacity study, bottleneck proposal and capacity incremental to meet business

Person Specifications:
- Degree in Business/ Science or related discipline.
- 5 years and above in procurement and inventory control role, knowledge in s
hipping and logistics or specializing in supply chain.
- Preferable with the experience working in metal parts manufacturing company.

- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, highly pro-active, calm under
pressure, re-act to change well, result oriented, self-motivated, committed,
independent and good time management skills.
- Experience in managing contract manufacturing suppliers
- Taiwanese
- Good oral and written communication in both English and Chinese

Monthly salary: NTD 60,000 up; annual package could be higher than NTD 1,000,0
00, depends on candidate’s experience and capability

Please send CV to [email protected]


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